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Do you feel comfortable driving in the city?

by Vee (follow)
Driving (43)      City (7)      Worry (5)     

MGDboston, morguefile.com

I have an event to attend in the city. I am nervous about driving to the destination and finding parking close by.

Do you feel comfortable driving in the city? Do you plan ahead?

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I find it quite stressful at times as people seem to drive like maniacs in the city!
by Vee
now that is way cute! :)
by jonaja
LOL! I know, as soon as I saw it I knew it was 'the one'.
by Vee
If it's a city I am unfamiliar with, then yes, I get a little nervous and I make sure to plan my route ahead of time. Admittedly, I now depends one the maps app on my phone to help me get around in the city.
Yes, however in a new city I am a little nervous as I have to figure out where I am going and pay attention to what other people are doing around me.
I'm fine driving in cities. I did nearly all my driving immediately after I passed my test in London, which was a baptism of fire and after that, I reckon I could drive just about anywhere except perhaps Moscow or Rome. They have the craziest drivers there.....
I'm still very much a "London driver" so other people get a bit nervous when they are my passengers but it does mean driving in a city doesn't bother me.
I have not driven into Sydney for a long time, when I do I go via Parramatta road.
Reason being, I don't get caught up in all that high speed traffic the other ways.
I find Parramatta Road, longer...but more friendly.
Once in the city, because the traffic can't go tooo fast! It's just looking for parking.
Google parking places close to where you need to go. :)
Thanks jonaj. I've done that, I just hope the weather holds up because I'll have to walk a couple of blocks from the parking complex to the venue.
by Vee
Just make sure you take a BIG umbrella, we used normal sized last night and got drenched!! because of the rain slanting :(
by jonaja
Dang. I was hoping to avoid taking one at all, lol.
by Vee
I know :(
by jonaja
So it turns out I didn't need an umbrella anyway, and I found parking just outside the restaurant. However, it was only one hour so had to check my car twice. No ticket though, so was very happy. :)
by Vee
Fantastic! :)
by jonaja
I refuse to drive in cities. If needs be I will drive to a train station and catch the train. By cities I mean in Melbourne or Sydney or the Brisbane CBD...We don't have many "real" cities here in Australia!!
......so what's your 'definition' of a 'real' city? Strange thing to say.
by donjo
Perhaps it's The Emerald City, donjo.
by Rice
My real problem in driving to the city is the madness exhibited by lunatic drivers and the availability of free parking space.
I get stressed if I know I have to park in the City and in particular in a car park.

No idea what this is about, as the traffic in the city does not bother me, just the fact that I may not find a park.

Perth City is not a hassle to drive in though some of the streets are pedestrian malls anyway.
by Finy
If one can't handle city traffic, they should (a) not be behind the wheel of a car, as a Licence is granted to drive in ALL conditions , & (b) hand in said Licence.

There're enough bad drivers' on the road without having to cope with 'nervous nellies'.

Sick of idiots' driving into houses, car park columns, reversing over kids, swimming pools, shops, & pregnant mothers!

Too many ancient 'fuddy-duddies', mostly men, buy very powerful cars' they can't handle, & don't know difference between accelerator & brake! And this causes fatalities.
Get them OFF the roads, permanently.
I used to years ago but now I take the train and read my Kindle as I am no longer familiar with the traffic flows. If we go to a concert in the city then the other half drives as he knows his way to everything and where to park etc.
by Rice
Never used to. In fact, I used to drive into the middle of the city every day for work, and then here there and everywhere throughout the day. Nowdays though, working in a small country town that is hundreds of kms from anything but outback cattle stations, I've kinda gotten used to driving around the streets and waiving to the other drivers at 40kph as we pass each other because we all know each other :-). Get off the plane in Perth on a weekend and the taxi-ride home scares me, so doubt I'd cope very well with peak nowdays. Maybe that's just part of getting old and crusty....
by kimp
If "getting old and crusty" means slowing down and knowing your neighbours, I can't wait!
by Vee
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