Do you feel comfortable accepting hand-me-downs?
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I have only been given on odd occasions....
It to me is fine, after all most of what was given is very good...I often even go to the Op shop, to look for something.I'm not proud.
Somethings are in amazing condition, and if new would be so expensive.
Answer Angels op shop tour . . . . . Yeah!! crack me up! lol :)
Absolutely. Why not? It's great for clothes to be worn again instead of wasting resources on new stuff, and free stuff is always good, so if it fits and I like it (or my kids do, if it's for them) I keep it. I wore a lot of hand me downs as a kid and my kids do too. I also have a friend with similar taste to me who is skinnier than I am, so she gives me stuff that's too big for her and I give her stuff that's too small for me.
It sounds like you've got a good thing going there, Jennifer.
Hand me down are a great gift to me. Love it. Even get as much thrill out of not paying for things as I do when I buy or get a really good bargain. Get a real thrill out of not forking out money for something. Can't help myself. Must be the scrooge in me.
fran. I am the same. But what I love more is the fact that I don't have to go to the shop to look for things. To me, that is priceless.
Yes Vee, I recently bought at an op shop 6 cups and saucer of the Pillivuyt brand. Had no idea what they were but the girl I was with turned them over and "suggested" I might be interested. They cost me $6. She had already bought the teapot and said to me that I might want that to match. I said that I would be fine with my purchase so far. When I got home I felt like an idiot. The teapot was lovely. Anyway, I love to go to Op Shops but I obviously need someone with me. Like a teacher !
LOL! Could you have gone back for the teapot?
Well technically I could have phoned my friend and said that yes I would like the teapot - she took it home. I could still say "yes" to her, but I feel too stupid to do that. The lady in the Sacred Heart Op Shop told us that the set had come from a business 2 doors down that had gone "out" of business and probably had never been used. I could just scream.
Well technically I could have phoned my friend and said that yes I would like the teapot - she took it home. I could still say "yes" to her, but I feel too stupid to do that. The lady in the Sacred Heart Op Shop told us that the set had come from a business 2 doors down that had gone "out" of business and probably had never been used. I could just scream.
Oh man, lol. Perhaps you should do some research before going into another op shop. Or just keep your phone handy if you have internet access on it. ;-)
Some hand me downs that I have had have been worn to death and super loved. . . . others have gone straight to an op shop. Strange.
I think I have ever been given hand - me- downs once from a neighbour. My kids had more than enough clothes so didn't need anymore .
I'm the giver of the hand me downs and all recipients have been grateful for good quality clean clothing that's been looked after
Not clothing for me, but for the children, by a good friend. It was much appreciated.
I like browsing the 'op shops', & will buy any crockery, or 'knick-knacks' liked.
Also donate much to V de P, & Lifeline.
I LOVE hand me downs. I was the grateful recipient of many clothes from a friend when I wasn't working. One night I went to a fancy dinner and ended up being one of the best dressed women there - and my outfit of black dress, shoes and black and gold jacket (except underwear) was a hand me down.
I am quite fine with hand me downs. Its a waste to buy if its already available. Who will know its not new?
I am quite fine with hand me downs. Its a waste to buy if its already available. Who will know its not new?
One of my housemates ( a student) went through all the clothes I was about to give to the Op Shop. many of them only worn a couple of times cos they didn't 'feel right'. The unexpected benefit is that I still get the pleasure of seeing clothes I liked enough to buy as well as knowing they didn't end up in landfill.
OMG..... well yes actually
My friends use to give me clothes all the time, when they were clearing out there wardrobes. Handing me perfectly good clothing, that they either just didn't want anymore or didn't fit into.
I'm also the youngest of two, and my sister is only three years older than me. I was all fine accepting her hand me downs as a child...
Ah, the joy of not paying for clothes. *squee*
The only times I’ve had to wear hand-me-downs,
was when i went to the same boarding school as my 2 cousins had been too before me, & also a friend of the family’s daughter, who’d also gone to the same school, so I didn’t mind wearing their cloths! I can’t remember if my 2 younger sisters wore my hand-me downs.
Doesn't bother me in the least.
I love hand me downs, you can wear them or restyle them for make them into a quilt. There is always something to do with hand-me-downs.
I'm going to assume you can sew. I need to learn how to sew because this sounds like a lot of fun.
There are so many things to be done with hand me downs. everything from quilts, skirts from dresses, short sleeves from men's shirts, fantastic cushion covers from old sweaters, with a little imagination the sky's the limit.
I only had a brother so I didnt have hand me downs however i buy most of my clothes from an op shop where I volunteer, so I would accept hand me downs without a problem.
I am grateful for hand me downs although I don't get many these days. I am happy to buy second hand clothes. I think we are too wasteful in our society and It is a responsible thing to re-use, repair and recycle.
We often had hand me downs as children.
I have a bag ready for good condition clothing to go to second hand shop and another for clothes that are marked or damage to be used as rags. I pulled an old short out as a rag once and realised it was in better conditon that the one I wearing to do the gardening. After a rummage I did a bit of a swap.
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