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Do you feed wildlife that visits your home?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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animals, nature, feeding

Do you put out food for any birds or other animals that visit your balcony or backyard?

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No. Human food is normally not appropriate for wildlife and I don't want to buy special food for wild birds. The only other wildlife we get is possums, which I don't want to encourage (they can be pretty destructive to gardens) and reptiles, and I don't want to buy crickets or dead baby rats for them.
No I no longer feed wildlife as they can become a nuisance and I dont want them eating out of my dog bowls or dog water.
Also there is not so much wild life around here
by Finy
Depends on the wildlife. We started a thing feeding some kangaroos. Within two weeks we had a whole town of kangaroos waiting to received some nice bits and pieces!
Not a good idea. They'll keep coming back and eventually become dependant on you for food.
by Vee
I have tried with the little birds, alas they never came near....will keep trying.
Love the little birds.
Where's my glasses#!*?
by jonaja
Yes I love to do that.
I have mixed feeling about it across both sides of the argument.
We have damaged the environment they require to survive naturally so should we compensate by offering support.
I also have experienced the impact of desperate responses from hungry birds that do cause a problem but does this not reveal a need.
We need to embark on a program that selects food and habitation producing plants and replace introduced trees that fail meet these criteria.
yes and an olive tree (very messy) which the 28's love. Occasionally see rainbow lorikeets too which sound beautiful. I just love to see them.
I try but they don't come to my new backyard the way they used to at my old property. I used to feed all kinds of amazingly wonderful birds, and now all I seem to be able to attract is pigeons.
Yes, I mostly feed the birds that come to my yard year round, but I feed a little less in the summer months, as there is a lot of natural feed available for them then. Along with song birds, we get California Quail here. The Quail used to only be here in the summer months but they started to stay longer and longer, so now we have them here year round.
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