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Do you fast during Lent?

by dom a (follow)
Religion (45)      Faith (8)      Lent (2)      Fasting (1)     

Chocolates and sweets

The Christian period of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues until Easter (the exact day depends on the religion). Many people give something up during this time, even non-Christians. Often it is meat on Friday, chocolates or sweets, and some children say they are giving up homework for Lent!

Do you give anything up during this time of approximately 40 days? Please be respectful of people's beliefs and faiths in your answers.

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Top Answers
It's not something I would do myself but I can see how it could be a good exercise in personal discipline.
I give up meat on Fridays. It really doesn't seem like much, but somehow, come Friday, I'm always craving meat. Sometimes I give up chocolate as well.
I don't eat meat any way (except fish) so I couldn't do that. I'd miss chocolate if I gave it up though.
Being in Ministry, my life has become one big lent...so I live this principle every day.It's a way of life...and it suits me down to the ground.
Used to. Not anymore. I still don't eat meat on Good Friday.
Yes, I'll be fasting, but I'll keep the particulars myself and God. I'll share this though. It was shown to me some years ago and is quite inspirational and thought-provoking.

Give up harsh words: use generous ones.
Give up unhappiness: take up gratitude.
Give up anger: take up gentleness and patience.
Give up pessimism: take up hope and optimism.
Give up worrying: take up trust in God.
Give up complaining: value what you have.
Give up stress: take up prayer.
Give up judging others: discover Jesus within them.
Give up sorrow and bitterness: fill your heart with joy.
Give up selfishness: take up compassion for others.
Give up being unforgiving: learn reconciliation.
Give up words: fill yourself with silence, and listen to others.

My mum told me that one of my sister's friends gave up sleeping on her bed for Lent. She slept on the floor instead. This girl is ten years old. If that's not a sacrifice I don't know what is!
by Vee
by Finy
No, it's doesn't worry atheists. They don't have to think about that. I do cook pancakes on Pancake Day though, which I think is just before Lent.
by Miro
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