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Do you fancy any men with makeup?

by Vee (follow)
Silly (64)      Men (25)      Cosmetics (12)      Makeup (8)     

man with makeup
Image by hrustall, morgueFile.com

Eliza Cracknell gives an interesting timeline of men and cosmetics.

Do you fancy any men with makeup?

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Top Answers
No, not at all. I'm not a big fan of makeup and in fact rarely wear it myself. I don't wear it to work and sometimes not even when I go out. I hate the way it feels.
So do I!
by Vee
Eyeliner sometimes looks nice on men, like Tim Minchin wears. Otherwise it's not really my thing.
Having read the page you linked to it's kind of funny that they have singled out particular actors as wearing foundation. I am willing to bet they ALL wear foundation when acting in movies, working under lights etc.
And I'm willing to second that bet! ;)
by Vee
I have to admit that I found Joel Edgerton pretty darn attractive in Exodus - pre-plagues lol.
by Vee
I think some men should have their eyelashes tinted, they would look really nice.
But that's about it.

And of course I LOVE Johnny Depp, with his.
But he is a very special guy...
by Vee
The real Johnny Depp I find rather disappointing. BUT I love Cpt Jack Sparrow and his eye makeup. So cute. Not sexy mind you - cute.
by lynne
Lynne....have you seen the real Johnny in person?
by jonaja
I don't think I would "fancy" a bloke in makeup for myself but I think Julian Clary looks lovely in his makeup. I don't use it so I would hate to have to elbow a bloke away from my vanity unit as he was applying his mascara.
by Rice
Why on earth would I fancy a man with make up????
by Finy
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