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Do you expect flowers on Valentine's Day?

by You Lucky Dog (follow)
Pack leader to my tribe including dogs, cats, birds, fish and kids. Freelance writer and all around Lucky Dog
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roses, valentines day, valentines day flowers

If you are in a relationship, do you automatically expect flowers on Valentines Day? Or do you think flowers are overrated and overpriced on February 14th?

#Valentines Day
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I don't expect them and wouldn't want my husband spending his money on flowers on Valentine's Day when their prices have been inflated so much. It always seems like the cost of bouquets doubles on that day of the year. I'm a romantic but I think that is a waste of money. Plus it's hot in Australia in February so flowers would just die.
I'm not in a relationship, and even if I was I would not expect to get flowers. I wouldn't expect to celebrate Valentine's day at all. Anyway, not everyone like flowers, so if you got them, then that might be a sign that your partner does not know you very well.
No, I don't usually get any since I'm single.
No I don't expect them. Nice to receive them, yet still not expected. Neither is any gift.
No, I don't expect them automatically. My husband and I usually do something for Valentines Day but it's not necessarily an exchange of gifts. I'm not sure we'll do anything at all this year because we'll be right in the middle of moving house. Maybe a nice bottle of bubbly to share.

Flowers are definitely a bit exxier around Valentine's Day, and it might be more fun and interesting to think outside the box a bit if you want to do something romantic.
No. Like others have said, flowers are ridiculously expensive on Valentine's Day. Besides, my husband and I have made a decision to not celebrate Valentine's Day at all so, for us, the point is moot.
by Vee
No. The price goes up on Valentines Day and we'd rather spend the money on other things. Also, I like roses but not commercially produced ones because they tend not to have much of a fragrance. I would rather a freshly picked rose from my garden that has a lovely fragrance than a whole bouquet of shop bought ones which have zero.
Nope, too much of a price hike! For $100, I could get something much nicer or go for dinner.
Not really, I'd rather prefer a date where we do things together, instead of flowers that die out after a couple of days.
I love red roses and but don't I expect them on valentines day because they are too expensive.
There is nothing I hate worse than cut flowers. I never understood the point of cutting them off and watching them slowly die inside your house. Would rather plant a tree or a bush or a punnett of flowers in the garden to enjoy for a very long time.
I never got flowers. Husband thought they were a waste of money. On me, for ANY occasion.

If attending a Function which I thought a Corsage was appropriate, even if it was for his work, I bought it. Loved Carnation Corsage's.

Now, I buy myself a bunch of Carnations, fortnightly, from Woolies' display. Love them in the Kitchen. They light up my day!
No, I can buy flowers any time I want them, so I don't want them for Valentine's Day. Roses are not the right flowers to give on Valentine's Day anyway, as they don't last very long, in our summer heat! My husband & I have always just exchanged a Valentine's Day card, & we've been married nearly 47 years now! I just love being with him on V.day! (And every other day, come to that!)
by Miro
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