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Do you exercise?

by Vee (follow)
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by pippalou

We are constantly reminded that exercise is essential to healthy living, but it certainly isn't the easiest thing to do, particularly if you are not motivated.

Often caught between a lack of motivation and an excruciating sense of guilt, we half-arse it and convince ourselves we've done well. Or is that just me?

I've recently found the motivation, however, and have been exercising daily. I've certainly noticed an improvement in my emotional wellbeing.

Do you exercise? If so, when and how often, and what is your preferred type of exercise?

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I start every morning off with a short yoga routine designed to get your mind and body moving. I'll often do a short core strengthening yoga routine at lunch, or a sleep promoting one before bed (check out Tara Stiles on YouTube for great 5 minute routines). Aside from this I mostly walk - the dog to the park, up to the shops, or to the library. I try to do this a few times a week (living up two flights of stairs increases the work out of walking somewhere). I also own a Wii Fit which I use to mix things up a bit. None of what I do is especially hard core, but it makes me feel good and keeps me in shape pretty well.
I try and go to a big shopping centre, and I walk one end to the other.I then do the same on level 1 & then level 2 & 3.
Buy that time, I have had a good look around.around. I'm in air conditioning, and I don't stop.... it becomes fun.
Exercise is vital for good health.Yet! so many of us fail badly....then we wonder 'why' we feel sluggish?.
I hate walking on the street, the hot sun, Dogs!!!, so a shopping centre is for me.I shall keep doing it,and remind myself it's got to happen :)
That sounds like my type of exercise jonaj!
by Vee
I have two dogs, and now live in a house with a very small yard.
Having come from 5 acres, my dogs are used to running a lot, so I take them once a day for a walk.
This is excellent exercise as I take them separately and probably walk about 3 kms a day which I would not do without the dogs.
by Finy
I go for walks too, but it's my son I take with me. Is there any reason you take your dogs separately?
by Vee
yes there is. I came from 5 acres, after I had a bad injury on the farm. The dogs were not used to suburbia and my strength was way down. Every time we passed other dogs, they would go beserk even though they are both very friendly.
Eventually, after falling several times, I got a trainer in, and he advised me to walk them separately.
I am still doing this some 18 months later as hated going on walks as I was petrified they would run away!
by Finy
Fair enough Finy.
by Vee
I do a lot of stepping everyday, yoga on Wednesday, and if I am not feeling too depressed, then I will do some hula hooping, stretching, and strength exercises in the morning.
Hula hooping? I haven't touched a hoop in years!
by Vee
It's making a comeback as form of exercise rather than just a child's toy now.
I did not know that! Thanks for sharing Bryony.
by Vee
I've just recently started walking. But before that it was rare, as I didn't have the energy.
Art of exercise lives in my thought but in action is a rare event :)
I know I would benefit from exercise but it is just too hard to get motivated. Everything I like to do involves sitting down. I am starting to feel my age now so I think I will soon have enough need to get moving.
No, after being 12 hours I don't succeed to find the motivation to exercise. I am not saying it is impossible, but it seems so difficult to me now. I admit though that I was feeling a lot better when I used to exercise a few years ago.
Not intentionally. I get exercise by doing business around town. I'm a fast walker naturally and my metabolic rate is also high. So going anywhere actually feels like a work out.
I am 76 yrs and do Gold Zumba twice a week and really enjoy doing exercise to music and also for 26yrs being exercising with Prime Movers (no it's not a trucking company!!). That's for over 50s and that's with music I feel so.much better when I exercise always have Fazee
I totally agree! Exercising with music is a heck of a lot of fun! You go! I admire older people who live life to its fullest. I sure hope I’m like that one day.
by Vee
Yes, I fast walk 3ks most days, with a friend, around the area we live in. I've been doing this for 35 years. If my friend isn't going to be walking, I won't walk on my own, unless I have my iPod with me. At the moment, I have 4 or 5 iPods, but no music on most of them yet, because I've forgotten how to put the music onto them, & I've misplaced the changer, so no walking on my own now! (If my friend doesn't walk.)
by Miro
Yes. I go to the gym, without fail, 4 times a week - sometimes 5. Mainly weight-training, but with some cardio. Sure sometimes I don't feel like it, but the guilt I feel if I don't isn't worth it! Plus with my sweet-tooth it's do it or be 200kg's! :)
Yes & love it! I do aquarobics to great music with a great teacher x2 a week. In between I have an excercise class with weights, bands & do some dance moves to music. Weekends I make sure I walk as many ks as possible, depending on weather & what else Im doing. No depression for me this year! Too busy! Lol
Yes I have swimming every second day, plus I do water aerobics on one day. I go to Walking Group on a Friday, and we have a lovely long walk around our area, followed by a coffee or hot chocolate. That's about all I have time for, but I do feel better for it.
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