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Do you examine your stools?

by dwatk (follow)
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It has been said your stools can indicate issues with your dietary habits and your overall health.

Do you examine your stools after using the toilet for any reason?

#Ladies room
#Men's room
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This question is pretty personal, but it's not a bad idea to check them out if you suspect something might be wrong. However, you don't always need to 'examine' them to know that something is not quite right, lol.
by Vee
I sometimes do. But I think this is out of habit. I sometimes want to make sure that there isn't blood in my stools or on the tissue. Which could point to a more serious health issue.
by Gia
Well, I observe them after going to the toilet as they lie in the toilet bowl before flushing. I also look on the toilet paper for any blood. Once a year, I send off a stool sample in a Bowel Cancer kit to a lab, just to be sure. Prevention is better than cure !!! If I do get it, at least it will be in the early stages then, and most likely treatable.
No, not unless I think something is wrong.
"Hidy Ho Folks, I Sure Do Check My Poo."

"Check your poo every day. You can tell how healthy your digestive system is by your poo."
Hahah. Mr Hankie.
by annfi
I always have a quick look. I have had bowel cancer, fortunately treated just by removing a polyp. I like to keep aware of whats going on in that dept.
I wish I could say no . . . but my mother the nurse was bowel obsessed and I do tend to take a peek. Of course, I have no idea what I'm looking for but maybe if you look regularly you would notice a difference and get it checked . . . .
by Rice
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