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Do you ever write poetry?

by Here and There (follow)
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Poetry is written in many forms ranging from ballads and limericks through to Haiku. Have you every written any poetry, perhaps even been published?

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When I sat down to write out my son's birth story it came out in poem form and I also wrote out my "ideal birth" in poem form. They are probably the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever done.
I've not been published but I used to write a lot of poetry. I'm not sure why I stopped but I keep meaning to start again.... one day....
Yes I wrote one very good poem, well so they say.
I get it from my Mother who was quite a good poet in her day, and won awards.
Maybe it's time to write another.
Yes, but I would never share my poetry with anyone. I don't think it's good.
I bet if you did show it to somebody, they would disagree with you. :)
by Vee
I bet if you did show it to somebody, they would disagree with you. :) After all, we are our own harshest critics.
by Vee
The last poem I penned was four months ago. I'm not very good at it, but this one was brilliant if I may say so myself. LOL.
by Vee
Yes. I constantly compile poetry. It helps as a coping strategy.

I've been writing short and longish poems about all sorts of things, inspired by what people say and things/events around me, for 25 years.

I am hoping to be published in the near future, with a book for teaching poetry to/for schoolkids.
No I don't.
I would like to have that capacity for words but unfortunately I don't. My son, however, is very gifted with words and had a small book of poetry published when he was in his 20s.
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