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Do you ever watch medical shows on television?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever watch medical shows like Dr Oz or The Drs, on television?

#Dr Oz
#The Drs
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Yes I used to however I no longer watch daytime television so I no longer do.

I replaced the day time TV with writing recipes etc.

I used to enjoy the Dr shows and actually now that I think about it, I DO still watch some of the medical emergency shows at night. Dont quite know why as cannot look at a lot of it.
by Finy
No. I don't. It is good that they are providing medical information in an entertaining way though, and you know that it is up to the minute information. You wouldn't be able to provide information that is superseded. So many people do not go to the doctors ever, and need information to prompt them to go to the doctors. Providing information about current medications is good too. So many people are on medicines and don't know why, the side effects, contraindications, etc. These shows can provide a dialogue between you and your GP. Medicine can be a boring, dry subject for some, so an entertainment format is a good idea. The only thing that concerns me is that people may identify with the illnesses and symptoms and self diagnose. Even if they go to the doctor thinking they have stomach cancer when its only indigestion is ok. At least it is getting people off the couch and in to the doctors office for a check up. Americans need this kind of tv show because they have a terrible health system, and mostly have to pay for health care, apart from Medicaid. This way they get health advice free of charge, which is better than none at all.
My kids watch Operation Ouch, a medical show for kids, and sometimes I watch a bit too. They have kids on who have hurt themselves, often doing dumb stuff like (this is my very favourite!) a girl who dislocated her jaw while biting the couch. I've also watched shows about childbirth a few times. I don't like stuff like Dr Oz because he spreads a lot of misinformation to sell stuff.
Operation Ouch sounds interesting!
by Vee
Re Dr Oz https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/lies-fraud-conflicts-of-interest-and-bogus-science-the-real-dr-oz-effect/
Oh my goodness, Jennifer, that was interesting reading. Awful people that deceive this way :(
by Rice
Yes I heard that dr Oz was being paid for comments plus ive noticed Dr phil is going that way also. He seems to be promoting his family businesses all the time.
by nat_c
I have watched these in the past. They are painful to watch.
by Vee
Sometimes....but they make me feel depressed!

I get worked up, and feel like I'm on the way-out!

So best not for me to watch them, so I don't panic.

I'm o.k. with dropping dead on the spot, but not to have to think about it is good for my nerves.

I try to be as healthy as one can, given my circumstances.

Jonaj, I hope each day gets better for you. May peace and joy always surround you.
by janet
Bless your heart Janet :) and the same to you.....
by jonaja
I used to watch the Doctors,but, I don't bother watching day time shows anymore. Busy and occupied with more important things to do.
I don't like those shows-The Doctors or Dr Oz. Information is spouted as fact that quite often is only theory. I also find the audiences are so 'over the top'-it is annoying.
I love emergency medical shows though. Like Outback ER, RPA etc! Love them! I even like dramatised medical shows like Gray's Anatomy.
I used to be a vet nurse and loved surgery and diagnostics. I like to diagnose tv patients when I hear their symptoms.
The only two I've ever watched are 'RPA', & 'Embarrassing Bodies'.

Both my sister, & her daughter were/are Nursing Sisters', & my best friend's father was an Ambulance man, so I grew-up with 'medico knowledge', so to speak.

It's fascinating what the human body can endure, & still be ok afterwards!

Of course, there's much that it can't, & it's that which has to be concentrated upon in medical research.
I forgot about Embarrassing Bodies -that was SO funny! Also in a previous question where I asked about reality shows and said I dont watch them - I forgot about the hospital shows that I watch like RPA, Emergency etc
by Finy
I don't really enjoy watching medical shows on TV for the most part. I sometimes learn about conditions that I think will make make me paranoid. So I avoid watching some medical shows.
I often watched 24 Hours in Emergency on SBS which I found very interesting as it presented situations from the point of view of Patients, their families,and also the medical staff who are on duty.They do not over-sensationalize at all,which is why I like this program.
I often watch Catalyst,which while more of a Science show, often covers some extremely fascinating medical research,again without over-sensationalizing!
I admit that I have seen a few episodes of Operation Ouch,and I really do enjoy the Twin Doctors as they go about presenting segments in a way which captures the imagination of older kids,and also many adults who now seem to be watching it!
Occasionally - some of the medical documentaries on cable tv are excellent with a wealth of information. I don't include the ones like Dr. Oz which tend to be "selling" something.

As for medical dramas some are just ridiculous.I don't tend to watch them at all. I worked in the medical field for over thirty years and, if the doctors and nurses behaved like some of the actors (even with poetic licence) they wouldn't last five minutes in the system.

One of the tv dramas I thought was very well done was "Love Child", but even that started to get a bit unbelievable into the second series. That was a shame because it pretty accurately depicted life for young single women because pregnant.

I know drama has to be enhanced to draw in the audience but there should be an element of belief in the storylines.
Penultimate paragraph should read "young single women who became pregnant"
by norma
I don't know, norma, it's wonderfully funny left as it is :-) A bit like the old joke - "how does a redneck propose . .? . . . You're WHAT?!"
by Rice
I think we have the same Brit sense of humour!
by norma
Rice - I think we have the same Brit sense of humour!
by norma
No idea why that was posted twice!
by norma
I love everything to do with science and medical shos I love to watch. I always wanted to be a nurse and I excelled on the subjects that I needed. But... I have a terrible fear of blood. I was hired and fired the same day in the meat department of the local shopping mall. All I can remember is fainting and falling on a little irish lady. She asked me to warn her next time. I passed out that many times . The last time I was being carried out by a big boy from school who thought he could score a date. . Im older now I can watch gorey things on tv but don't know if I could tolerate it in real life.
Couldn't be bothered. Mum used to watch RPA and just before I was due to have radical hip resurfacing she started to try to tell me about some patient who was on the show who had a hipreplacement. When she got to the part where the surgeon used a saw to cut the bone, I made her stop and told her if I wanted to know, I'd watch those shows myself. Needless to say, they aren't my cup of tea.
We watch an English show, filmed at St Georges hospital, SBS show, called '24 hours in Emergency' on Wednesdays evenings, for 2 hours, & sometimes, 'Most Embarrassing Bodies'
by Miro
Yes,I like watching medical and ayurvedic medicinal shows.
rarely, then only watch part of the show then switch to something else.

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