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Do you ever use weights to exercise?

by Jamie0liversgirl (follow)
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Do you ever use weights to exercise?

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I lift and carry my son around, that feels like a workout in itself. Apart from that, no I don't use weights to exercise. I wasn't really aware of the benefits until I read slang's response.
by Vee
Yes, I find weight bearing activities to make me feel really good - it's nice to be strong and this can help keep us strong.
Exactly, being able to lift is wonderful.
Occasionally - I prefer to use my whole body weight to work out, rather than rely on weights.
Now Xarah, that's how I felt for a long time. However, since using weights I have noticed toning that I'd never seen before.
I have in the past, but don't currently.
Cool, whatever works for you.
Weight training is excellent for bone density - all women should be lifting weights in the gym. I've been lifting weights for about 25 years - brilliant exercise, and it makes you feel great!
You're right! Weights for the win!
I think weights are very effective and I'm currently using them to strengthen my body as its not going to there with cardio alone. As with many things though, start off small and build up and if you don't know what you're doing ask for help...it's very easy to hurt yourself if you're lifting above what your body can take.
You're completely right. You'll be benching 50kg in no time!
Not any more...
I find it very hard, but it is a wonderful way to exercise.
I wish when I was younger I did more, I know I now have a few areas, that need the strength.
For me.. just going for 4-mile walks carrying and shifting my weight from one leg to the other as I shuffle along kicks out the need for weights :) Yet at times I do carry a pair of hand grippers as I go for walks.
Interesting idea.
I did when I was younger and have been reading up and I think resistance training is important later in life as well.
Studies show that weight bearing exercise is good for bone density and the prevention of osteoporosis
Ooh is it? Wonderful news then!
Yes I have ...I think it is recommended when you lose weight , it helps to tighten your muscles .
Yes I have been lifting weights as part of my regular fitness regime. It is important to maintain bone density as you get older. Always start light and increase slowly but get advice from a professional in the beginning to avoid injury. It also helps to keep you toned! 😊
Every day...I look at the weights, each time I come up with another excuse why I didn't do any exercise again.
Haha! That's not good!
yes, I keep a set of smaller weights in my lounge room. I use them whenever I remember BUT if ever I feel cold, I just do, say 15 minutes and this really warms me up. So not only to increase muscle tone but also to save electricity for heating,
Hahaha! Brilliant! What an inventive way of keeping warm!
Exercise and fitness

I’ve just started weight training with a PT and loving it. It’s so vital for older women to do weight bearing exercise.
I don't but I should definitely take it up.
I used to in gym class when I was younger.
No. I tried, but just didn't like it enough to keep it up!
no I do not use weights , only exercise is lawn bowls, gardening and doing my shopping ,I am very strong, and have strong bones, I put this down to all the milk and cream I had as a child

Yes, I used them sometimes, but not everytime I exercise.
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