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Do you ever use powdered milk?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever used powdered milk?

#Powdered milk
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I have used it in the past but not for a long time as if I ever I need it, it is only for baking and only need a small amount.

I HAVE however discovered powdered coconut milk which is great as my daughter in law cannot drink dairy, and I can substitute this for many recipes just using less if it is a savoury one.

So, NO, I do not use powdered ordinary milk, though can see it would be handy when say, travelling in a caravan or similar!
by Finy
Ever heard of long life milk for those caravan trips....lol
by Lluxi
Very occasionally. I dare not buy it or I eat it by the spoonful. NAUGHTY!!
by Rice
I'm as bad with malt powder or granules. Can't leave it be til the tin is finished.
by fran.
by the spoonful dry??
by Finy
BUT BUT BUT ... Why?
Malt powder . . . YUM . . .!! Yes, by the spoonful, dry. . . . . because yum yum yum :-)))))))
by Rice
by jonaja
All the time, both coconut and whole milk powder.
I add powdered milk to my morning coffee as it makes it creamier without watering down the coffee flavour
what a good idea - never thought of that!
by Finy
Looove doing that .. . . very decadent :-))))
by Rice
No. I have never needed to, unless there is a milk strike coming up that I don't know about??? We have excellent quality milk in this country, and as far as I know, no threat to the quantity available. Maybe people with certain medical conditions may use it.
Not any more, but it is a wonderful staple....say if Cow's go on strike!

Or we had a shortage...
It is something that can be kept for a long period of time, and that has to be a huge bonus, in any home.
Bahahahahaha!! Thank you for the wonderful mental image of cows with placards picketing the dairies with farmers and dogs hiding inside !! x x x
by Rice
Yes i use it as a backup when I run out of fresh milk.
perhaps a better idea than long life milk which i use as back up as i have these big packs that i end up not using whereas the powder will never go off after opening!
by Finy
p.s. does it taste the same?
by Finy
The only powered milk I've ever bought, is the coconut 1. We have 3 long life milks in the pantry incase we run out of ordinary milk.
by Miro
I sometimes use powdered milk in cooking. I sometimes add a bit when making icing for a cake. The powdered milk adds a creamy flavour. However I don't always have some on hand as I can manage quite well without it.
I sometimes used powdered milk when we ran out of fresh milk but that was many years ago, before long life milk. I only ever use Devondale long life milk as we aren't milk drinkers as the taste is nicer and not watered down. As I bake a lot I only buy the milk when it's on special and buy 6 x 2 lire cartons at a time. I do have powdered coconut milk on hand for cooking as well.
no but i do use coffee whitener as a milk
Nope.. can not stand the stuff. blerk
Yes it makes a creamier white sauce for cauliflower cheese. Great standby if we run out of full cream fresh milk too. Have to try it in icing and coffee now - thanks to tips shown here.

I agree, especially the icing idea. Mmmmmm.
by Rice
by AJ
yes it is a back up when we run out of fresh milk.

often use it for white sauce.
I actually don't think that I have ever used powdered milk. At all.
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