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Do you ever take a short guided tour on arrival in a new city?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever take a short guided tour of a new City to get your bearings?

#City tour
#Guided tour
#Bus tour
#New city
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I actually HAVE done this on several occasions as although I do not like bus trips (see earlier question), these are just an hour or two or three, and it gives you an idea of where you are so to speak.
From that we could sometimes decide where we wanted to go and on some of them you can hop on and off during the journey as we did in London and New York.
Here is Perth you can also do the same, so assume you can do this in most major capital cities.
Good idea.
by Finy
We sometimes will do this. It gives us the highlights. If we only have a short trip in a city like 2 or 3 days its easier for us to see the main sights on a hop on hop off bus tour.
by AJ
No. I have never done this. We usually look around on our own, but of course guides are better at it, and are more knowledgeable.
Oxford is the only place I can ever recall doing one and it was nice to drive around the university and see the sights. It was not a horrible long one either. Just nice.
by Rice
No. If I were somewhere new, I'd rather walk around explore for myself.
No, we do it ourselves. We drive around, look for a yummie place to eat.
I like to get a map and walk to see the sights. My feet take me on my tour.
No, we'll always just walked around.
by Miro
When I first arrived in Townsville over 30 years ago, I did not know a single soul, and as there vwas a lot of history to this city, I decided to learn more about it. These half day tours are great for this kind of thing, and the one I went on included a lovely tropical morning tea! Between that tour and walking a lot, which I enjoy so much, I had a fabulous introduction to my new home!
Yes we often do this. In cities where we are not driving, it is a great way to get a good overview and help orientate ourselves. Once I would never have done this, but after an extremely informative walking tour of Singapore, I realise how educational and informative they are. A bus tour is also a good way to rest weary feet for a while. The hop on hop off busses are worth investing in too as they usually travel to the tourist destinations. On more than one occasion we have mentioned ,in conservation, an interesting fact that they were surprised we knew and they didn't.
That doesn't sound quite right. In conversation with friends who are local, we have surprised them with local stories they didn't know. Our friends were so intrigued they decided to do the tour and get to know their own town better.
by annfi
We have done it a couple of times. We make sure that they are not long ones. Two hours on a bus is long enough for my liking.
no, I prefer to do my own thing.
Yes, I've done several. Much more interesting when the guide shows you things and places you may not have found on your own and fills you in on history that they may also have experienced themselves.
When we went to Perth, on our way there we stopped in a town Called Newman and we took a bus tour of the mines.I actually though ut was boring, but my husband enjoyed it.
I haven't, and I probably wouldn't. A map would suit me better. I am terrible with directions without one.
by Vee
Hahaha. I am just as terrible with one!! I have no sense of direction.
by Rice
I love walking and google is my friend, so usually I'd just work out where I wanted to go, then explore it for myself.
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