Do you ever swear, or use bad language?
photo: imagerymajestic
Some inappropriate words are used easily by people. But who is to say what inappropriate really is?
Are you a person who swears easily?
Or do you use bad language when you lose your temper or when things don't go your way?
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I try to refrain from swearing as I think educated people should not use bad language. It just slips out of my mouth sometimes when I am angry or frustrated with something.
Oh Finy, you beat me to the punch! Haha, I've been meaning to ask this question since discussing it with my brother-in-law and his fiance. I don't like swearing, but I do find I do it when I'm angry or taken by surprise,
or, Vee, is it a case of great minds think alike? LOL
Haha, that's got to be it Finy! ;)
I did many years ago.
Then I woke up to myself.
A person who can hold their tongue is in control.
I hate it when people swear in pubic. I swear, but only when no one else is around, otherwise I think my bad thoughts to myself.
I used to. Not so much anymore. I realised how unladylike it was to swear all the time (I swore all the time) and decided I didn't want to come across that way.
No I have never done that.
Sh#t yeah, all the f#$%ing time....;)
To be honest, they're just words, so in our house, you'll get in trouble if you tell someone to shut up, but if you say you thought the movie was cr&p, it's not an issue....
I do tell the kids if they swear, their friends mothers may not let them play with their kids, and interestingly, my eldest doesn't swear at all (and never has, even though it's not a big issue in the house)
I do swear all the time (mainly to myself).
Yes I swear too much ... I do try to control it more these days as I am aware how awful it really sounds but sometimes I get so angry that the F word just sounds beautiful :)
Yes, when I do something stupid! Like drop an object or walk into room to get something & forget what I'm there for! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! says I, very loudly!
Or to the TV set when there's someone on sprouting rubbish!
Good way to get rid of frustrations!
No, I try to find better ways of expressing myself.
You bet your Sweet Bippy I do!
'ken oath! I'm an Aussie!! It's just natural to us. It can also depend on the tone you use and the context it's said in, as to whether it's 'offensive', if you know what I mean.
No, I don't. I think it's easy to swear when you are used doing it.
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