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Do you ever still use the Yellow Pages and/or ordinary phone book now that we have Internet?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you ever still use either the White pages of Yellow Pages phone books now that we have the Internet?

#Phone books
#Yellow pages
#White pages
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I don't use these anymore as always look things up online.
I don't think we even get white pages delivered anymore as we used to for so many years.

I find it is much quicker to look up online than to get the books out and look it up and I think online would be much more up to date.
by Finy
Occasionally I do, not very often, print is too small!!
by fran
I do sometimes.
I look everything up online.
by AJ
I used the Yellow pages last night, at a friends place it was very helpful.She hasn't got the Internet, and no computer.
For some it is still very important, but for those who have the Internet...well they could cut down on giving them out to those people.

Call me old fashioned!! I DO use the phone books,to get numbers when I need them. I think it is because I do not live for my computer! I can happily not even turn it on for a day!! I had 6 days in hospital and did not even worry about all the gazillions of emails which may or may not be there in the In box when I finally got to look!!!!
No not at all. Its quicker to use the net
In Germany, they didn't distribute phone books to every house - they left large piles at the supermarkets and town halls so that if you wanted a copy, you could collect one. Very sensible, given how few people must still use them.
Personally, I do still use them but not for looking up phone numbers - they are extremely useful for propping up a baby cot for example, when your baby has a cold, just slip a phone book under the feet at the top and the job's a good 'un! Or if you need a heavy book to straighten out a crumpled piece of paper....
I don't even have one.
by BK
No. I just found out a website where you can register not to receive the hard copy of the yellow/white pages.
I don't get either lot delivered now yet the online service has to be filled out correctly and I can't always find the answer I want, whereas with the paper copy everything's listed so I can look through it all.
no, I know the phone numbers that i need .
books go in the recycle bin
I go online for everything.
Yes, as 'back-up' when ITablet not working!
No, I look up whatever it is I need to know, on line. I haven't needed the YELLOW pages for about 5 years now. We only used the white pages, until recently, but my eyes are very poor now, as I need 2 cataracts removed, so I was having to use a magi-firing glass to read by!
by Miro
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