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Do you ever record TV shows and watch them later?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever record television programmes that you are unable to watch live, and then play them back?

Or do you tend to record them, and not have time to watch them?

#TV recording
#DVD recorder
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I record a lot of movies, however often do not have time to watch them.

I also record some of my favourite weekly shows as go to bed early and watch TV now that it is so cold, but generally fall asleep after about 10 minutes of watching.

I have also just bought a Smart TV so have watched things on there instead of recording.
by Finy
I record a lot of shows and movies and watch them at more convenient times. I also love the ability of skipping the (hundreds of) adverts which you can do if you've recorded the show.
Ditto! I will often record a show while I'm sitting there and watch one I've recorded earlier, just so I can skip through all the nonsense.
by poppy
All the time.. actually we just finished watching some shows we taped whilst we were away for the weekend.
I record everything
by AJ
I used to record on VHS, but after the digital switchover, our recorder stopped working.
No never, too busy and just not in the habit of it....don't go to bed til 10.30ish and had enough by then...go thru phases of getting DVD's to watch, haven't for ages, may again seeing it is the Winter months.
by Fran
I used to do so when I was younger,but to be really honest,I just don't watch a huge amount of tv and the shows I do enjoy seem to be on when it suits me to watch them.I can always watch them on-line if I have missed something I REALLY hoped to see!!
I used to, but now with on-demand services like Netflix, I just don't have the need.
This is how I watch TV now. Record the shows, and watch them later. Easy to forward the ads.
All the time!
In the era of live streaming and downloading stuff, recording is a concept long bygone
I record my shows on weekdays and watch them when I can, usually on the same day but at a different time. That way, I can watch them when Baby's sleeping and I can fastforward the ads.
by Vee
All the time I like to skip the adds.
I do on Foxtel. I don't personally ha e the requireed equipment. It's just TV at the end of the day.
We use to do that earlier,but now stopped doing that and watch it online.
All the time. I have a Telstra T Box. Especially things like the Voice. Can not cope with all the chit chat and ads.
used to but have no idea how to do it now with new tehnology. skipping the ads is the best reason plus not missing shows that may clash with something else on a different channel. dont watch a great deal of TV anyway so no big deal and pick up the odd few good DVDs when rummaging through my favourite op shops. On principle refuse to have cable TV or anything that would encourage my family to spend any more time in front of the TV than they already do!!
100% record. Then watch at my leisure.
Positive all the way, including ff'ing of adverts! Yeah!
We used to but with the modern TV'S, my husband just can't work the different machines so I do miss out on programes I'd really like to watch and no matter how much our daughter shows him how it's done, he can't follow instructions. As for me recording them, most of the time I'm not home or I forget what I want to watch anyway.
I haven't done that in a while. I think older individuals and families in surburbia might do, but I can't name one of my friends who do that, whilst my stepmother, records loads of stuff!
Always. Most of my favorite shows are watched while they are recorded. Plus it is so easy to forward the ads and watch the show ad free.
We don't know how to record tv shows, but most of the shows I like to watch, I can pick up on ABC iview anyway, so let my husband have the tv to watch whatever he wants to watch!
by Miro
I have not recorded anything in years and I do not miss the facility. I am not a great tv watcher and if I find I have missed something I may have liked there is always catch up tv. I often start with a series and then stop suddenly and never miss it.
by Rice
Yes record lots of TV and watch when more convienent for the whole of the family and fast forward through the adverts.
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