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Do you ever make French Toast and what do you put on it?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Do you make French Toast, and what do you put on it, if anything?

#French toast
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I love French Toast and this picture above makes me want to have that for breakfast. But, having high cholesterol, I don't know if I should have more eggs as had two yesterday, so will probably have cereal.

I love french toast with maple syrup and bacon as per the picture or just plain with salt.
by Finy
Very rarely but when I have made it I usually just pour maple syrup on it. I have also put peanut butter and jam between two slices of bread and made french toast - that was very tasty
by AJ
Is that French Toast in your photo or Eggy Bread?
I've never made French Toast but have eaten it on holiday in France. With butter and homemade fig jam as I recall. It was delicious!
French Toast IS eggy bread Verity.
by Finy
Not in France! There it's very thin slices of bread that have been "toasted" in an oven so that they are crisp all the way through. I've always called eggy bread just that, eggy bread...... well, learn something new every day :)
I don't like it so when I do make it I just side it bacon for the boys or my sister.
I am allergic to eggs,so I do not make or eat French Toast!! May all of you please enjoy an extra serve on my behalf?!!!
Sure will . . !!
by Rice
thanks SO much!!!!
by Jules
I have made it a few times, and just a little honey will do.
That's really all you need....or Jam if you like that better.
No I have never made it....I know I like it but it is very indulgent and I wouldn't make it myself. Prob eat it in a Hotel or the like
by Fran
I was just thinking of making French Toast for brekkie this weekend. I buy triple smoked ham, sour cream, chicken paste (pasteta), and jam - preferably rosehip - for FT. Love it!
by Vee
Not something I would make, or eat out.
Picture doesn't appeal to me at all!
But for all of you who like it, eat up!
I love French Toast with tomato sauce on it!! Yummm!!

As Finy said . . . with maple syrup and bacon . . .*heaven* . . . now I want some too.
by Rice
I don't make it now but, when my husband was alive and my son was at home, they both liked French Toast with maple syrup, bacon and eggs.
I've never made it, but I may try & make it tomorrow, if I remember too!
by Miro
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