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Do you ever jay walk or do you always cross at zebra crossings or lights?

by Finy (follow)
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Crossing road (2)      Breaking the law (2)      Crossing (2)      Jaywalking (1)     

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Do you ever jaywalk?

That is, cross the street near traffic lights, or near a zebra crossing?

Have you ever been fined for this?

#Crossing road
#Breaking the law
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I used to do it in my younger days -I am like a broken record talking about my younger days!
I did it in the car and now I am disgusted at people who do it -does that mean we turn prudish as we age?
by Finy
I'm not proud to say it, but I have given the finger to people on the road and to my parter when he irks me.
by Vee
ooh, I am surprised at you Vee -wouldnt have picked you as dong that!
I used to mutter "pig" under my breath to my partner who was deaf, and when we separated he said, "and I heard you saying pig" -LOL

by Finy
Hahaha Finy, that is too funny! Oh, it's all in good fun, he then proceeds to make fun of me.
by Vee
Why did I post this answer here?! I do jay walk, but I try to use a crossing when I can.
by Vee
I think everyone did it as a kid, but as an adult I rarely 'flip the bird'. If I do, it's normally to a friend and meant in jest. I never flip anyone off when driving. If someone is driving like a jerk, I'm usually more worried about them causing an accident then telling them how much of a jerk I think their being with my finger.
I never did it as a kid. My view is, if someone is bothered by receiving the middle finger, then they are probably a decent enough person not to deserve it. If they are deserving of it, then they are unlikely to be bothered about receiving it.
Both points are highly valid, thanks Bryony :)
No; I could never imagine doing such as thing. It is more degrading to yourself than it is to the person you are doing it to.
I honestly cannot remember ever doing this,even as a kid!! I never saw my parents do it,so I guess this has a lot to do with it.I do believe the old adage of 'You learn what you live with'.
I prefer the British/Aussie two finger salute myself.
Whilst it has been a very long time.. I am sure I have.
I can't really remember, don't think so, I tend to be more ladylike..ha ha..sometimes!
by Fran
I have given the finger many a time and for various reasons. Saying that though I can't remember the last time I did it.
Also I have not given the finger to another driver - just honk on my horn if someone really annoys me on the road or they have done something stupid.
by AJ
I do sometimes but not generally.
by Finy
If I'm with my kids we always use the crossing because I want to teach them good habits and because if a car does come it's harder to run while carrying a toddler. But yes, I have crossed not at a crossing at times, at night when there was no traffic or when the place I wanted to get to was directly across from me and using the lights would mean walking down the street and back up it again. It's a bit dangerous at times though.

I've never been fined for it but I've seen the police fining people (or giving them warnings, I'm not sure) in the city.
Yes, unfortunately I do, but only when I'm in a hurry or am about to miss my bus because it decided to turn up 10 minutes earlier :O

Luckily, I've never been fined for this, but it's always a worry.
Rarely, but I am rarely in a big enough city to warrant it.
Guilty! Not often, but if I'm in a hurry!
I must confess that up until Uni days it was common to Jaywalk but then you mature & see the sense in not doing it.
No one can always use the lights or crossing to cross the road. I can when one is near but often i dont as there is nothing there to do so. Its a grey area and if you can do so safely I dont see an issue with it. In cities or towns I would always use them as they the frequency of them is adequate.
You can legally jaywalk x metres (think it's 30) from crossing. Only did this enroute work in one particular street.
ALL other times at traffic lights. AND looked b4 stepping off!

We always use the crossing at the lights in the city, & even in our local suburb where owe only have 1 traffic light Oh yes, sorry we do cross a long way from the crossing & the tractic light also.
On Sundays where we park to go to see a movie, we jaywalk when there is no traffic coming in either direction, especially if were running late for the movie. While visiting Melbourne, we often see the cops giving out warnings & finds to people. It's a lot of money, which I could spend on a weeks shopping, so we never jaywalk in Melbourne!
by Miro
No I don't jaywalk anymore. I was never fined for it, but while in Melbourne I used to see the police talking to people for doing it. I don't know if the people were fined or not, because I'd already walked past them by then.Too old to do that now! It's always now the crossing & lights for us!
by Miro
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