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Do you ever have to buy lemons, or do you always get them from friends?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you have your own lemon tree?

Do you get them from friends, or do you have to buy them?

#Lemon tree
#Fruit growing
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Buying lemons is another of my pet hates.
I will spend money on any food regardless of cost, however I just hate to pay for a lemon.

I no longer have a tree however my daughter in law round the corner has hundreds at the moment, so I have way too many.

I also walk each morning and can find them overhanging fences if need be.

However, I have still had to buy a few in the last year!
by Finy
I've always had to buy lemons. I've never gotten any from friends either. Limes yes but not lemons no.
Fortunately I can always get lemons as well as wonderful limes from my neighbours and friends. I have a real aversion to spending money on these items as well as mangoes!!! I flatly refuse to buy a mango,as they litter the ground here for months!!!
Unfortunately, I do have to buy them sometimes. I think I'll just buy a lemon tree next, lol.
by Vee
I have to buy them :(

I should buy a tree, buy sadly don't have much room for one...plus! take forever to get the lemons?
You can get dwarf citrus trees that you keep in a pot. It does take a couple of years before they give you any fruit though.
Oh! thanks Jennifer, I'll have a look.
by jonaja
We have a Lemonade tree (sweet lemons) which is too small to get fruit on it yet, and a tree which I think is a graft that grows both lemons and limes, which produces tonnes of fruit at the right time of year.
OOOH I want one of those lemon lime trees. Heaven
by lynne
I have to always buy them. None of my friends have a tree .
by BK
It varies, often get given them and hate buying them but sometimes I do if I am in need of one and don't hve any
by fran
I generally have to buy them, although when they're in season people with lemon trees will sometimes leave bags of lemons in their front yards that passers-by can help themselves to. Unfortunately, backyard lemon trees are one casualty of our rapidly-shrinking backyards. When we first moved to Perth about 23 years ago almost everyone had a large back yard with a few fruit trees in it. Now this is rare.
Carolyn -I live in Dianella and shortly in my street there will not be a single house left that has only one house on the block -down come all those lovely trees each time!
by Finy
Yes, I'm the same on my junk mail rounds in different suburbs. The lemon trees were planted by (largely) Italian migrants in some areas and as you say, as these people die, move out, the house and trees are all bulldozed for ugly multi storey apartments now with no garden in sight.

I often see boxes/buckets by front gates with various citrus fruits on offer, or for a small amount, like 50 c/$1 each, etc.
by amanda
Sometimes I buy them but don't like to
by fran
No I grow my own
Sometimes I have to buy lemons. At other times I have them given to me. I have also got some through a produce swap group I go to. I have planted a lemon tree in my back yard so I hope to be self sufficient in that regard in the future.
I do purchase them as well as get them from friends. They are really great for making lemonade .
I always buy lemons and lots of it cos now the lady that used to bring in lemons to work has moved.
Have to buy them!
Did have a lime tree once, but they're not the same; too bitter for my taste!
Since I moved to a smaller place I don't have the right spot to grow a lemon tree.
I miss having one in my backyard, and picking them whenever I needed them.
I have friends who give me some now and again, but I hate having to buy them
I only buy them if I think the price is ok for a bag of 6. These I buy from Aldi. I mostly use them for my evening G&T! A friend has a small tree, & if she has too many lemons, she squeezes them, & freezers the juice in ice block trays.
Yes as I love lemons sliced and in iced sparkling mineral water also squeezed over pancakes with a little sugar.
Skin grated and added to lemon jellies.
Part 2: No, we've never had an lemon tree. My parents did, when i was growing up, When my friend & I were walking recently, we saw a huge lemon tree in some someone yard, covered in lemons. My friend wrote them a note, with a phone No, & they rang & said she could have some. She took the house owner 2 little bags of frozen fish fillets, her husband had caught, in exchange for the lemons. When I see her in the next day of 2 she'll give m some of the lemons. There is another house with a big lemon tree on our walk, & we sort of know the women who lives there, so we may ask her for some of her lemons, when need them again! There's a medium size lemon tree in my daughter's partner's back yard in Melbourne, which produces big lemons all year round.
by Miro
My neighbour has a lemon and an orange tree, and says to take however many I want, so its lovely
My neighbour has a lemon, Lime and an orange tree, and says to take however many I want, so its lovely,
I buy lemons occasionally.
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