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Do you ever have sore, or dry eyes?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever suffered from sore, or dry eyes?

#Sore eyes
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Oh yes, YES Y E S.
Drives be crazy.
I have had this for a few years now and have prescription drops as well as glaucoma drops - first they said it was old age!
Someone told me the other day while I was volunteering in my shop, that it is hay fever.

Who knows but I cannot get rid of it - it is a very annoying condition to have.
by Finy
YES! I have just sat at the computer after putting some Systane in my eyes! They are positively crunchy dry. Like Finy, I have to put glaucoma drops in my eyes and they make the eyes feel stiff and dry (my brother has the same drops and the same problem) so during the day I put lubricating drops in. Ah, bliss.
by Rice
Perhaps the high sugar reading doesnt help glaucoma....I went to the eye dr last time the day after my "diet" day and pressure had dropped dramatically.
After I started the 5/2 diet, my pressures dropped from 19 to 9, and the Dr would not believe it was from food but I have proved now that when I eat little, pressure goes down in my eyes!!
by Finy
p.s. you can get a script for the stuff without preservatives and you get 3 packets of 64 for the cost of a script.
by Finy
My Lumigan is now $5.50 with health care card, thank heaven. it used to be $35. The specialist got really mad when the chemist didn't read the script properly and gave me the ones with preservative. Now he puts NP in big letters and that means the individual phials. My eyes have no pupils any more - they are always dilated. I hate it.
I pay for the Systane Ultra simply because it seems to work best for me. (so far)
by Rice
Sure do!
I have a nice little spray, and you keep eyes closed...spray and it go's into the eyes.Feels wonderful.

We all do far to much time on puter, don't we or reading in general.
I have seen ads for these drops ever since they came on the market, and I always wondered if they actually worked. Thanks so much Jonaj, for your honest and glowing report about their effectiveness! Word of mouth is ALWAYS the best recommendation for anything at all!!
by Jules
Yes they do work so very very well for me, and the fact we keep our eyes closed, you spray...and open the eyes and it go's in very gently and wow! I love it :)
by jonaja
No I don't. Not unless I get conjunctivitis, but haven't had that since I used contact lenses.
I have never had any eye problems.
No - thankfully I have not had any of these eye conditions
by AJ
I have dry eyes. I put drops in every day.
When I was at uni I hit a point where I couldn't study any more because my eyes were too sore and everything got blurry. Had to just rest for a while. Probably had learned everything I was likely to cram in by that point anyway. Also got red eyes around Christmas time as a kid when my cousins and I spent all day in the pool in the chlorine, but that fixes itself too.
When I was a child and throughout my teens, I suffered shockingly due to my allergies/It is the most awful sensation, as we use our eyes ALL the time apart from when we sleep.I have not experienced any issues with this sort of thing since coming to live in Nth Qld from Victoria many long years ago!! I do believe that all eye problems need to be checked sooner rather than later, as the underlying problems could be rather serious.
Very much so. It's worse when I'm in air conditioning as my eyes hurt and I feel so tired I just want to close them. I do have an auto immune deficiency which causes this so I'd suggest if you have a real problem with your eyes you consult your doctor and request a referral to a specialist.
I get this all the time in spring, my hay fever drives me crazy.
No, I only get only 'tired' eyes, when I know it's time I went to go to bed.
by Miro
I've since had an eye check, (12 months over due) The person who was doing my eye test, sprayed something into my eyes 3 times for each eye. I've never had a reaction to the stuff before, but THIS time it gave me 'watery eyes' for about 2 weeks. I was going back to tell them, but then my eyes went back to normal.
by Miro
I have dry eyes and need to use eye drops daily.
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