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Do you ever have eggs on toast or similar, instead of a proper meal at night?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever just have eggs on toast as a main meal?

#Eggs on toast
#Evening meal
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Occasionally I will do this however I generally feel quite guilty even though I know eggs have a lot of goodness in them.

Also I cannot submit a recipe to Recipe Yum of eggs on toast.

Since writing for that Hub, I am cooking all the time for one person -shame as I often eat the same meal 3 times in a row!

I LOVE eggs on toast but probably wouldn't have this or similar more than about once in 3 or 4 months.
by Finy
If I hve been out to lunch and eaten quite a bit I would be inclined to have something like this for dinner...I looo eggs on toast
by Fran
Eggs on toast isn't a proper meal?!?! Oh no!! I menu plan for the week - but if something happens and I can't or really really don't want to make whatever is on the plan I'll do eggs or cheese on toast. When I lived alone I used to do eggs on toast for dinner quite regularly.
wonder why I feel guilty with that!! especially when I SO love eggs....to me it is not a proper meal, yet I dont eat a lot of vegetables anyway!
by Finy
I sure do!
Love them. :)
Fast....simple....and cheap.

Winning every time.
I have an allergy to Eggs so I cannot indulge in something so yummy!! However.....I do often have a far smaller evening meal than my lunch! In fact,I have just this evening enjoyed a fabulously fresh bread roll filled with shaved Sopressa salami and pickles.It was simply scrumptious,and I often do this sort of thing. It began many years back when I was in hospital.The main meal of the day was always Lunch with dinner being much smaller and lighter in substance.This made such perfect sense to me,in regards to digestion,so I have done it on many occasions ever since!
Yes. I very much prefer a lighter meal in the evening to a main one and it's a lot healthier too. There's an old English saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper". I can't go to sleep with a full stomach, so if we do have a main meal then I end up going to bed much later than I like. All round, eggs on toast for tea is much better for you!
I always have a light meal in the evening. I don't like having a big meal late. I don't think there is anything wrong with eggs on toast for dinner
by AJ
I had eggs on toast two nights ago. I love those lazy nights.
Not very often but I do. If I had a heavier meal in the day Ill do something lighter in the evening.
by Gia
Sometimes, depends what kind of mood im in
I don't have eggs on toast as I've never really liked the taste of eggs (if I must eat eggs they need to be so hard boiled you could bounce them off a wall)! However, I love eating toast with lashings of vegemite and avocado and slices of tomato.
No, don't like eggs ON the toast! Too wet! Prefer eggs on a side plate & then can remove yolk easily to eat!
HATE the White chalozae, cooked hard or raw sliminess! Yuck, makes my skin crawl!

On Toast, prefer one of the following.......
Asparagus, Spaghetti (heated through), Baked Beans (same), Sardines (in Tomato Sauce, not oil or spring water). These are my 'mini-meal' preferences.
Sometimes just plain too tired or disinterested in preparing a 'main' meal as such. Have a hot cuppa with it, & I'm actually 'full'! Feel NO guilt about a 'mini-meal' ever!

Also sometimes enjoy two slices of toast, buttered with Hot ENGLISH Mustard, Thinly sliced Ham off the Bone, Tomato & Onion slices. Simple, but quick. Goes down a treat with a hot cuppa, also! Cheers!

hi, try my recipe for breakfast, i hop u like it.
by asha
Asha, thank you, but I just can't eat 'French Toast'!
by donjo
P.S. I actually had fried bread slice, bacon, tomato, hash browns & eggs, with a hot 'cuppa', for Dinner, last night! Just felt like it, & it was delish! Can't remember last time I had a 'fry-up', but it'd be at least a year! Cheers!
by donjo
Yes i have this meal eggs on toast 3-4 nights a week.
No I do not eat eggs
Yep, lots of times. Scrambled on toad with a little tomato through it or cheese and just a spring onion chopped. Great meal and I consider it a meal too. Nice and light and good for you…..so why not.
Hi Fran....
Have never tried 'toad'! Is it tough & leathery? How did you remove the poison glands?
Thank you for the biggest lol I've had this week! Cheers!
by donjo
Ha Ha
I love scrambled eggs on toad but when I'm finished cooking them, neither the eggs nor I have much croak left in us !
There is an art to cooking the toad to perfection. But it is a family secret.
by fran.
Aw, go on, tell your secret! I'm sure there're countless readers' here who're just DYING to know it!
by donjo
Sure do. Glad to know someone else does too, ha ha.
Yes indeedy! I love eggs on toast, especially scrambled eggs.
Yes or I may have beans on toast.
I have also had cereals with a banana if I am not really hungry.
Usually when it is hot and humid and not wanting aheavy evening meal.

Of course my husband and I do. There's protein in egg and it makes for a nice light meal on weekend nights especially when coupled with some hot buttered toast. Now.....we could also talk about the nights I've done shift work and eaten a bowl of cereal for tea late into the night....but THAT's another story!
I have this type of meal when it gets too late too cook this only happens when it is daylight saving
time, it is still daylight so I do not realize how late it is
I'm not a big fan of eggs, however I sometimes have vegemite and cheese on toast when I don't feel like muc for dinner.

Oops - typo. I mean "much for dinner".
Oh! Therese B, love the photo! How serene kitten looks!
Yeah 'muc's not very nice to eat. Had to 'muck' out stables when a kid!
by donjo
Pleased you like the photo. That was one of my previous kitties, Cheeky. Wandered into the house one day & stayed for nearly 14 years until he went to the "rainbow bridge". Always knew how to "strike a pose". Miss the little fella!
Yes, Therese B, had similar story with a cat. He was in next door neighbour's yard, so I went to him. Poor animal, just skin & bone. I picked him up & took him home, where Mum had got a saucer of warmed milk, & some warmed mince prepared for him, which he lapped up, poor thing! We fed him tiny amounts of meat, & milk often, so he wouldn't be sick, as his system wouldn't have been used to good food.
We took him to Vet for a check over. He said he was about 2yo.
I had him for 191/2 years, so he lived, & was MUCH loved to 211/2, until his kidneys failed.
He was THE most beautiful cat, all gray with gorgeous yellow eyes, & he loved being bathed!
I miss him everyday. Hopefully, I'll meet up with him at the 'Rainbow Bridge', so we can have lots of pats, & cuddles again!
by donjo
That's a lovely story. Even though he had a bad start, what a wonderful life you gave to your kitty. You are a very kind person to do that. (-: Always sad when they pass on. )-:
No. We would have that for breakfast, or maybe as a light supper if we had a big lunch.
Often. Egg on toast, baked beans on toast, cheese and biscuits. The other thing I love is having left over curry for breakfast - I think I learnt that travelling and having curry for breakfast or (in Ghana a rice and bean dish with curry - Wakye (pronounced Waa Chi). I really rebel against the anglo range of what is acceptable for each meal.
Sometimes a simple meal is all we have time for and its just so convenient
Yes when it is too hot in the evening to have a full on meal.
I find it light on the stomach and a pleasant change.
no i have not tried yet. but i like egg french toast. take twoe ggs with 1tbl spoon of suger and pinch of termaric with chopped coriander leaves and milk half glass of milk, beat nicely and dip toast in this mixture and fry both side in 2 tbl spoon of oil. it is healthy breakfast. specially children likes.
by asha
I did cook an omlet on toast once for dinner, after we’d been out somewhere & arrived home a little late.
I guess i would more often, if I lived alone, because it's so nice & quick to make.
Or porridge
Or cheese and vegemite on toast for main course and toast and jam for dessert.
Yes quite often when not wanting a "proper meal" or full on meal.
It is an enjoyable snack, especially with nice thick slices of toast and runny yolks on the eggs.
Yes if im not that hungry and don't want to go to a lot of trouble eggs on toast I love with the yolk leaking all over the toast. Reminds me of my childhood.
We keep Chooks and often have an abundance of eggs so yes we sometimes have an egg on toast for dinner. I am fortunate that my husband has a good appetite and is happy to eat whatever I offer. We don't eat a lot of bread so an easy omelette may also be an easy option. I also feel a little guilty offering such a simple meal.
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