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Do you ever have eggs on toast for dinner?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Do you have have eggs on toast for dinner when you can't be bothered cooking?

#Eggs on toast
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I very rarely have this - in fact I cannot remember the last time I had it....much as I love eggs, I feel guilty eating this and one egg on toast would be nowhere near enough for me for dinner anyway.

I would probably make something else or add potato (fried) to it if I was having it for dinner, but I know several people who live alone, who sometimes cant be bothered cooking, and just have an egg on toast.

To me that is breakfast, and not dinner...
by Finy
No. I enjoy eggs with toast for breakfast but don't ever have that as a main meal. To deal with lack of time or energy to cook in the evening I keep some lasagne or surplus from a previous meal in the freezer.
No. Eggs on toast are more like a breakfast food. Occasionally, if we have a very substantial luncheon, or if we have a very late lunch, we might just have an omelette. Usually, in those situations, if we have a late lunch, we often do not have dinner at all, because we are not hungry.
LOL - last night I had four short cut rashers of bacon, two eggs and a fried tomato for my dinner. No toast, although I would prefer fried bread, as bread is out for me. This was the ultimate "I don't want anything to eat, I can't be bothered, I'd better eat something" meal.
by Rice
I must have known you cheated!
by Finy
by Rice
Oh yes, I like it because it is dead easy, and low in cost and good for you.
Sometimes I just can not eat too much for dinner, and this is one great solution.
Yes, though more often than not it's eggs on crumpets. Had them just last night!
Yes sometimes when I am not very hungry or I am tired. We have chooks so usually have eggs in the fridge. If I am having toast and eggs for dinner- I prefer soft boiled eggs with soldiers.
by AJ
Yes, yesterday we had to go on a 2hr train trip to visit my mother, then 2 hours back, so I didn't feel like cooking very much when I arrived home, so I made scrambled eggs on toast with mushrooms & baby spinach. I drizzled sweet chilli sauce over the top of it all! It was really yummy!
by Miro
I also don't like cooking a proper meal when we return from Melbourne to Sydney, so we have baked beans on toast with bacon & eggs on top & maple syrup. It may sound weird, but this is also yummy! Every other day I look up a recipe. I can usually remember if I'ver cooked it in the last 12 months or not, as I like making a new recipe every night of the year, for a least 12 months.
by Miro
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