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Do you ever go to Church on a Sunday during the year?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you go to Church on a Sunday other than at Xmas and Easter?

Or attend any other non-Christian religious ceremonies regularly?

#Sunday church
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I am not christian and I will rarely go to my place of worship anymore.

I do not need to go for any reason -I used to go regularly when I had children at home but now I just do not feel like it, so do not go!

This does not mean I do not believe.
by Finy
Having been raised in a religion different to Christian,I do not go to Church. I have my own deep beliefs and these are intrinsic to who I am,whether or not I visit a special place of worship. I do not need to be seen to worship,to know that I have my religious beliefs. What is in my heart,is who I am.
Thank you Jules -that is sort of what I wanted to say, but you said it so much better than I did!
by Finy
It seems Finy,that we have many opinions,or rather FEELINGS. which are so similar that we could be 2 peas from the same pod!! What is in your heart shines through!!!
by Jules
by Fran
I try to go every year. My pet hate: Those who do go once or twice a year and take up so much space, I have to stand. I know, not very Christ-like.
by Vee
Smote. What I meant was, I try to go every week!
by Vee
I go to church every Sunday, once in the morning and at night.
My Son and I are Christians.
Does your son also go to church with you being Christian?
by Miro
Does your son also go to church with you being Christian?
by Miro
Yes my son is 24 and he is a devoted Christian, he also is involved in Ministry.
We go together every Sunday :) I'm very blessed.
by jonaja
I never go to church. I do not feel the need to go.
by AJ
Nope, don't need to go to church to be a good person.
I am a Christian and was going irregularly until three years ago when my parish (split into two separate churches/service times) said they needed a musician for the early service. I thought about it for a bit and then thought I'd give it a go. Three years later, I'm still there but don't get paid for it.
by jonaja
No, I never go to church, being an atheist, as is my whole family, including cousins & their husbands.
by Miro
We are Christians but we do not see the need to visit a place of worship every week. God knows what is in our hearts, and we try to be good and decent people every day of the year.
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