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Do you ever go on eating when you are quite full?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever go on eating when you are quite full after eating a meal?

#Over eat
#Eat after food
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I seem to do this a lot at night after dinner.

Perhaps it is comfort eating. Last night I had a lovely meal, and decided instead of sweets, I would have an apple with a piece of chocolate.

However about 10 minutes after I had the healthy choice, I thought I must have an ice cream and no way was I hungry in the slightest.

I always feel annoyed at myself after I do this, yet I go on doing it -perhaps boredom!?
by Finy
Over the last few months, I have lost weight and for the very first time...can see that I look better in my clothes.

So for me it's a No.

I see any overeating now for myself as a ''quick fix'' and ''long term disaster''.

Plus....I just know when I have had enough to eat, 'where' would one put so much more food....that uncomfortable feeling creeps in real quick.

I think a lot of people should wait 20 mins before re-eating.

By that time, we should be feeling very full from the very 1st meal, we just had.

Drink water, and that will also fill you up....I do it before even time to think,,,,works big time.
there is that word SHOULD jonaj! should by who's standards!
by Finy
Well that's what the experts say wait 20 mins....and you will feel the meal you just had...I have done it, and it seems to be the time it takes . :)
by jonaja
No !!! Absolutely not!! Once I am full,that is IT,no matter what is on offer!! I think this is why I do not enjoy buffets at all.I am a very small eater and NEVER can get value for money!
I utterly HATE that bloated feeling of having over-eaten!!!
We are both the same...meee tooo I HATE that feeling of having overeaten.
It makes me scared, no reason 'why' but I feel gripped by fear.
by jonaja
I somehow knew that my comment would get a reply!! I have no fear or other reason for disliking the feeling of having eaten too much...I just do not like being uncomfortable!!! I guess that I was raised to eat slowly and make certain that my mouthfuls were properly chewed for proper digestion. My parents would compare us to the beloved pet dog if we guzzled our meals,as the poor old love always ate so quickly,it was a wonder he did not choke!!!
The funny thing is,that this particular dog lived to the ripe old age of 21 human years,so the entire argument is rather moot!!!
I guess that I shall simply continue to eat small amounts of my favourite delicious foodstuffs,and stop when I feel full!!
by Jules
Sometime but not often. I really don't like the feeling of being stuffed.
by AJ
Me toooo :(
by jonaja
On the odd occasion. I can't stand the feeling. It's so uncomfortable and if it's at night I wake in the morning with a headache.
by Gia
No, definitely not. Before I lost weight, if I had a coffee after meal, it would make me sick.
So I just eat small amounts now, usually entree size, as I can't literally 'stomach' any more.
I used to years ago, esp’ at a Dec buffet lunch,
but now, in my last 60’s, I know when I’ve had enough. Sometimes my husband & I have to share a meal for lunch, as I wouldn’t have been able to eat the whole meal on my own, or we just have an entree with dessert in the evenings, if we’re dinning out.
yes, when something is terribly good tasting or if I am a guest at dinner
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