Do you ever get up in the morning feeling just as tired as when you went to bed?
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Do you sometimes get up in the morning feeling almost as tired as when you went to bed at night?
#Wake up tired
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I had such a morning today!
Was more tired when I got up than when I went to bed!
It doesnt happen often for me as I am a morning person but did not sleep well last night, and had a very restless night -wonder if there was a full moon.
Quite a bit lately! I have a toddler who is still breastfeeding VERY regularly through the night. I can't remember the last time I got sleep for more than 2 hours in a row!
Only sometimes.
I think it is our age group and lack of vitamins.
I have to tell myself, it's because I have been working the last 42 years!
Every day is jammed packed.
Esp with still one child still!! at home.
I do - constantly. Being allergic to just about everything in the universe (dust, pollen, mold, animals...) I suffer from sinus problems so despite medication, I still have restless nights.
I used to. Thankfully it has passed.
Yes I do, a lot of the time. In part it's because of various health conditions I have and in part it's to do with the time of the year - in the winter when it's still pitch black first thing in the morning, the right hormones for feeling awake are not released and because it gets dark so early in the evening, the right hormones for feeling sleepy are also not released. So my sleep pattern is all out of whack! I'm thinking about taking some serotonin and melotonin supplements or getting a lightbox to try to adjust this.
No I don't, I hve very busy days and mostly sleep very well, am definitely a morning person..
I usually wake up during the week feeling exhausted - then the weekend comes and I am full of energy!
Yes. Mostly if I get too much sleep I feel like that.
I get up at 6 every morning and go out into my gardenC!! This is yj oveliest time of the day,and I find I a,m always ready for it!!
Sorry!! I am having awful trouble with y laptop this entire week! Forgive all the Emptiness,please?!!! No I do not have an empty head!!! I know this for a fact!
Hee Hee!!!
This happened last weekend - I got home from a show in town at midnight Saturday, and while I slept till 9am Sunday, I was still tired by that afternoon when I went along to a friend's concert. In fact, so tired, that the wall was holding me up!
This happens if I eat too close to bedtime. I
sometimes, it soon passes, after about half and hour, breakfast and a shower does the trick.
Only if I'm sick, & that, touch wood, is infrequent.
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