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Do you ever get cramps at night?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever get cramps in bed?

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I asked this question as I seem to get them so often mainly at night in bed.

I never used to get these.

I read just the other day that if you drink 2 glasses of water before bed, it helps.

I did this last night, and NO cramps during the night -will have to try it several more times though to make sure it was no co-incidence!

I also get them in my hand lately.
by Finy
It's nothing to do with water but everything to do with magnesium levels in your body. It might also be a sign that you need more salt in your diet.
I used to get them a little bit and then when I was pregnant I got them quite a bit and they were AWFUL! Especially as my tummy got bigger and I couldn't move quickly to relieve them! A Magnesium supplement is supposed to help as well - I'm not 100% sure it did. I've not had cramps at all since my son was born 18 months ago.
From time to time I do.
I put my electric blanket on just to warm my legs in bed, for a few minutes, that helps.
I would suffer with a cramp in my leg maybe once or twice a year.They are so painful that I would hate to suffer with this ailment regularly!
oh, gosh, I get often 2 a night! I thought most people as they age get them!
by Finy
I used to get muscle cramps every night. So did my dad. We found out that we both have low blood pressure and our bodies were using up all the salt in our diet to tackle that condition so our muscles were not getting enough to be healthy. The answer was to increase our salt intake and also to take a magnesium supplement to ensure optimum muscle health. Since starting on this regime, we have both stopped getting night cramps. When I was pregnant I had to double my magnesium intake though as that put an extra strain on my system!

A good tip to know if you get muscle cramps in the night, is the minute you feel your muscles starting to tighten, move your foot so that it is at right angles to your leg. This stretches the calf muscles out so they can't cramp. It is surprisingly effective!
doesnt work for me Verity -it delays it by seconds only.
by Finy
Really? That surprises me I have to say, I've always found it really effective. But definitely up your magnesium intake, oh and quinine helps too, so drink some tonic water every day.... and I used to keep little salt tablets next to the bed so that I could pop one in when the cramp started and that stopped them too. But better to prevent than treat!
If you have a bath with Epsom Salts in that will help too as the warmth will ease your muscles and the magnesium will prevent the cramp.
No I am one of the lucky ones as never get cramps at night in bed...occasionally I get a cramp at any time of the day but not very often
by fran
I get leg cramps every now and then. When it happens it only happens in the night. It is so painful and I gave found that it helps to get out of bed and walk around
by AJ
I fall over AJ if i try to stand on the foot or leg.
by Finy
Yes, and it wakes me from deep sleep, clutching the rogue leg, and swearing! I then gently massage it, and was told that eating bananas will help with this.
From time to time, usually in bed. But I have been caught out at the supermarket when both legs cramped - fortunately had a trolley to lean on.
Never had cramp, but my late husband got leg cramps a lot and he used to flex his foot upwards to ease the cramp. He'd suddenly yell out in bed and I knew what was wrong, so I got the job of flexing his foot to ease the pain of the cramp. Usually worked pretty well.
Used to, occasionally. Just the pits! Used to stretch affected foot up, & towards me. That seemed to help, thank goodness.
Must be eating right amounts of correct food, as haven't had any for a few years'.

Touch wood!
Yes I've had them about 4 times in the middle of the night. It was very scary the 1st time as I thought I was about to die! I just rubbed my leg while making painful noises, until it stopped hurting! I'll try the walking around, next time it happens!
by Miro
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