Do you ever get a bruise when you have a blood test?
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I don't often get a bruise and if I do it is a very small ones.
I am lucky in this regard as I have a "nice" vein where they take blood and they seem to do it very easily on me.
One important thing to remember if you are going to have blood taken is to make sure you drink lots of water beforehand. It makes it easier to get the blood, apparently, I'm not sure why.
Not at all. But I am very squeamish, can't look.
I can't look either, no matter the site of injection! Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!
Me either . . . and I gabble . . . the more panicked I get, the faster I gabble. I hate needles :((
I require blood tests every 4 weeks ,and I often do bruise. It all depends on whether or not my poor veins behave or not!!
I have on occasion, but it all depends on the 'person' who takes the blood.
Years ago yes I did bruise....they were not as careful as they are today.
I also have good veins :)
Sometimes I get a small bruise but never anything significant.
Sure do! As I bruise SO easily!
Dependent on the 'gentleness' of nurse, it can range in size greatly.
Am always embarrassed with it, as it looks like I'm the 'druggie from hell''.
I keep a bandaid over it until it's disappeared!
Sometimes, if the nurse has to go 'prospecting', but if the nurse is good, no I don't bruise.
Occasionally I do, but not that often. It never bruises very badly if I do, thank goodness.
It all depends on the nurse taking blood. If she's good - no bruising. However I've found doctors are usually the worst people to take blood.
Sometimes, and I can always tell by the fact I get some pain by the person who is doing the blood test.
If I get pain when the needle is inserted I can usually reckon on having a bruise - no pain, no bruise.
Sometimes I get a small bruise
I have tricky veins apparently, and usually get a great big bruise when blood is taken. My most recent one left no bruise at all though, so I wonder whether mt 'tricky' veins are actually caused by a 'not so good' nurse ...
usually no problem quick and easily done.
Depends on the nurse doing it some are hopeless, like the one i had the misfortune to attend a few weeks ago had to wait 2 hours, she tried one arm could not find the vein then tried the other arm,stuck the needle in an wriggled it around, no use then tried again about an inch away just a little blood and bruising, then said , she could not try again as they could only try twice, told me to come again the next day, still have not been back.
I've had some whoppers but I have a lovely lady now who does such a good job, I barely feel it and it doesn't bruise. (curse those regular blood tests.) Anaesthetic . . .different story . . . .I was once bruised from wrist to elbow. Horrifying.
I hope that was in winter time, Rice!
Sometimes. I know sometimes it can depend upon the amount of experience of the nurse. However, I must also take some of the blame on some occasions. If I have to have a fasting blood test, it is often very hard to get a vein, so they have to ' hunt around ' for a suitable vein. Usually I don't get bruises unless they have been particularly rough, or if I am sick at the time, my blood vessel walls might be quite thin.
Only when the owner of the Pathology Laboratories has hired an inexperienced blood collector.
No I don't bruise. I have a blood sample taken every time before I make my blood donation, from my finger tip. Even sticking in the tube for my blood donation, hasn't ever bruised my arm.
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