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Do you ever forget where you parked your car?

by Happy Mom (follow)
Car (55)      Memory (19)      Parking (6)     

park, car

I am normally quite good at remembering where I park my car, but in big carparks, I often take a picture of where I left it, in case I forget.

Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car?

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Yes, in car parks that have not really done anything about putting different level 'colours' on the wall.
It happened to me 2 weeks ago.Drove me nuts to find the car :(
Yes! This has happened to me a couple of times and it's the most awful feeling! At least at night you can hit your remote and the lights flash on!
We rarely go into car parks that are big enough for us to face that problem. My dad can sometimes forget where we parked in the supermarket, but I always remember.
I normally take a photo of the parking section number when I think there is a chance for me to forget. A long time ago, when we went to Disney World, we were told that if you cannot remember where you park your car, you may never find it! :) That's stuck somewhere in my mind, so I am very cautious of where I park and noting down some landmarks.
Oh my goodness, all the time. The other day I took my husbands car rather than my own and forgot about this fact, and then couldn't find it for what felt like an hour (it was likely only 25 minutes). I've started to take a photo of where I've parked it when I'm in a big car park that I don't know very well.
All the time! I often go to where I parked it the day before. At least I'm remembering something, right?! Ha!
All the time!
by Vee
Yes, doesn,t everyone.

I keep thinking my car has been stolen but eventually find it.

Some car parks have names of sections where you park but I need to write these down or I forget this also.
by Finy
Once. Never again. Parked in multi-story car park, where I'd never been before. Parked car opposit lift. Went shopping. Came back to level I THOUGHT car was on. Lift doors opened. No car! Don't panic, go down one level. Doors opened for me to see my car! What a relief!

From then on, that would be 25 years' ago, if in strange car park, still park opposite lift, write down lift number, level alpha-character, column number, & where I get out of lift in shops, so I just totally reverse my 'journey' back to my car.

These days I only go to one S/C & in that, have only ever parked in three different sections. There're areas I've NEVER parked, & it's been open since 1979!
I am good at remembering where I park my car. I have put an Aussie flag on my car ariel and it makes it so much easier to find my car in a crowded shopping centre.
Oh! Phil, could you find your car if someone stole the flag from aerial? Lol!
by donjo
Yes I have forgotten where I have parked the car, so now I look around me and look for land marks.
All the time! Which is why whenever I buy a new car I make sure it's a bright colour so that I can easily spot it

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