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Do you ever eat food from McDonalds?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever have a meal at McDonalds?

#Take away
#Eating out
#Fast food
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I used to when they first opened here however have not had anything from there in many, many years.

I do not eat many take aways anymore and when I do, it is usually Red Rooster, and occasionally, my favourite, fish and chips.

McDonalds is not my taste!
by Finy
I can honestly say that I have not had Mc Donalds for more years than I can recall! Even when it is offered at no cost,I still do not eat it!
Once a year I might manage Hungry Jacks. Just a burger though....no chips or sides.I really am not into Take Away foods at all.I think that apart from anything else,most of them are too expensive(the meal items...not the $2 things they all advertise,to get you in the stores where it's likely you would spend more than just the $2!!!) I would far prefer to make a burger of my own at home!!!And I also do make the yummiest Fish and chips too!! Just ask the boy from next door!!
Our family dines on fast food once a fortnight, and our meal of choice never, ever comes from McDonalds!
I have just found their Egg and Bacon McMuffin for B/Fast.
I have to say, if I am running late, for work.
So once a month only, I have one or two.

Normally no way would I eat fast food.
No, they don't have anything vegetarian. Come to think of it, they probably do still have toasted cheese and tomato sandwiches, but I don't eat cheese.
Sadly I do. My daughter and I go there for breakfast once per week. It's a terrible habit, but an activity that we enjoy. She loves the pancakes and syrup, I love the coffee and banana bread (that I'm not supposed to eat...) and she gets to play in their playground while I check messages. We also often get McDonalds when we are travelling - mostly because we know what we are getting, it's cheap and everyone will eat it.
I've a 'Maccas' at the end of my street, 2 minutes' away! It has 'Drive-thru'!

Once in a 'blue moon', I'll get a 'Warm Chicken & Salad', if I can't be bothered to cook.

I do enjoy their 'Apple Pie' & 'Cafe Cappucino', though!

And maybe on a cold, rainy night I'll get some fries!

But they are convenient, but not my choice of usual food.

When the kids' were invited to a classmate's Birthday Party, back in the day, they went with their own healthy 'food pack', as they'd never eaten at 'McDonalds'!

Yes, Chicken wraps. Also the 50 cents icecream. I buy these regularly by themselves at the drive through during the summer.
Once but I was not impressed so didn't go back.
by Gia
Yes occasionally and I usually have take-away, burger and chips. But sometimes I have a chai latte from their cafe if I am killing time and a Maccas is nearby.
I only like their mcfeast burger which I buy about every three or four months dislike their version of chips and will not buy.
No, but I do like their flat white coffee so I buy that when I am in a shopping mall food hall at lunchtime. Don't generally eat fast food of any sort as I'm not keen on burgers or the like.
No I do not.
I once saw a kitchen hand take out rubbish wearing the gloves that he then went inside and served someone with a meal, he also picked up a dropped chip and put it into the bag along with other things.
I know that not all do this but I have seen this too many times.
Obviously the gloves are there to protect the kitchen hand and not me from he/she who does not wash their hands after doing jobs or bathroom duty.
I will only eat food from my own kitchen, I also no longer go out to dinner unless I can see into the kitchen
I have not had McDonalds for 10 years and do not intend to eat it again
by AJ
Until Maccas introduced CYT (Create your own) this year I didn't go near it. Now I go there and have a lettuce leaf instead of a bun and make a choice of whatever I'd like to have inside it! YUMM!!! :D My daughter started her first job last year in our new local one and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised with the work ethics and cleanliness and the confidence they have taught her! Thumbs up!

Yes I eat the Chicken/Bacon/Cheese burger and French fries
Absolutely not. I tried it about 30 years ago when the stores first opened in Australia, but I got food poisoning very badly, and I refuse to eat there ever again.
Oh yes i do all the time and my favourite is the morning breakfast, pancakes and syrup.
I hate Maccas food.

But because of its convenience and low cost, I found myself eating breakfast from there.
I recently pigged out on their bigger, chips and mcflurry!

But I hate them and their food. I just wish there was a better alternative just as convenient.
Once or twice a year but only on my own and I hide the evidance
I do mostly have takeaway rather than eat in at times. Over the years the sizes of buns and other meals have shrunk in size but the price has gone up. They NEVER are the same size as they look in the TV promotions and they do vary from store to store. I do love their flat white coffee though and treat myself via drive through when I can.
As a little child yes but unfortunately McDonalds is not in this country anymore (Jamaica). For some reason.
When I had my volunteer job which I left nearly 3 years ago now, there was a McMs very close by,
so I’d buy the pancakes & syrup on Pancake Day. once a year. That’s all!
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