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Do you ever drive at night with your headlights on high beam?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you sometimes drive with your lights on high beam at night?

Do you always remember to dip them when there is an oncoming car?

#High beam
#Headlights at night
#Night driving
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I do not often drive at night due to Glaucoma and as I have got older I find it difficult to see.

I used to drive a lot with high beam when I lived in the country and was VERY conscious and did not often forget to dim these lights when I saw the headlights of another car.

However, there were many cars who just did not bother to dip the lights making it really difficult to see at times which was dangerous in the country at higher than city speeds.
by Finy
Yes, Finy. *high five* I try not to go out at night as the glaucoma drops make my eyes feel like wood.
by Rice
I meant that high five for your whole answer too :-)
by Rice
I think drivers in Europe must be better trained than in Australia - I don't think I've ever encountered someone who didn't dip their lights! I grew up in the country so am very used to having full beams on though don't use them often now I'm in a suburb.
One should always dip, when another car is coming....I do.

I was taught it can in some cases blind the other driver for a few seconds, so best to always do what is right...and not what some drivers feel is their right, to have the blooming things on full !!
It gets me quite upset, and the offenders are when I see, men.!
I do not drive at all,so the answer is NO!!
Same here!
by Miro
I drive with my full lights when I need to but I always dip my headlights when a car comes towards me on the other side or if I am behind another car. I really don't like it when people keep their full headlights on when driving behind me - it is so blinding
by AJ
I only drive on high beam when necessary. I've also had the problem of rude, inconsiderate drivers behind me who refuse to return to normal beam so I do what a driving instructor once told me to do, I angle my rear vision mirror so their beam shines right back at them. That usually does the trick.
by helga
by fran
I drive at night on high beam. However, I dim my lights when another vehicle is approaching.
Yes Dwatk, that's what everyone is supposed to do.That's good driving manners.
by Miro
I only drive with the high beams on if nobody else is on the road and there is heavy fog or rain. Otherwise, I don't need to as my headlights are sufficiently powerful. In fact, people often flash me because they think I have my high beams on when they are off.
by Vee
I haven't had the need.
Yes & Yes.
Only use them within the limit of the road rules!
If I happen to be out at night (yuk) I use my high beams to see better for wildlife etc. and I always dip for oncoming traffic.
by Rice
Only in rural or dark unlit streets.
But always dip them when I approach oncoming traffic.
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