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Do you ever drink out of the carton?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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drink carton
Image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/35034365374@N01/3471922217/

Do you ever drink juice or milk straight from the carton, or is it something you are always lecturing others not to do?

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Yuck! No. I suppose it's fine if you live alone, but not when you live with other people. I've never had to lecture anyone else about it though. My husband knows better and the kids are too small to lift the carton.
Absolutely Not....that's just awful!
Only when nobody else is looking...
why do guys do that ? lol.
by jonaja
only if there's hardly any left and it goes straight in the bin after - waste of a cup...
true that :)
by jonaja
How disgusting!!!! If I can't see in the carton "I ain't drinking it". You never know what grose things might be growing in those containers!! Eeeekkkk

I used to, before I grew a brain. Yuck! Now I can't even fathom it.
by Vee
Haha!! I used to when I was a rebellious teenager, but not any more.
Not an issue in our household.
I HAVE done this previously but only a few times.
I realised it was a disgusting thing to do, so only did it about 3 times.

Now that I am alone, I could do it, however I still think it is an awful thing to do!
by Finy
Only the last bit if I no I'll finish it.. If my mum caught me though she would warm my ears for me she hates it
WE never buy juice in cartons, only in the 2 litre plastic bottles. As I'm the only 1 who uses them, I do occasionally take a drink, but only if I'm really really thirsty. The rest of time, I just use it on my muslin, in the mornings.
by Miro
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