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Do you ever drink cordial?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever drink cordial?

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I used to drink cordial when I was very young however I did not drink it even when I WAS eating cakes/sugar products, which I rarely do nowadays.

If I were to drink it now, I'm sure I would find it way too sweet.

Perhaps it IS better than drinking fizzy drinks however, I prefer plain water or bubbly water which I make.
by Finy
No. Never. Even diet cordial contains sugar, so I don't drink it. Only water for this little black duck.
I occasionally drink orange squash (with no added sugar), but that’s it.
Yes. But I prefer the diet cordial. It makes a nice change from plain water.
I have never been a fan of cordials. Way too sweet even for my sweet tooth. I drink tea, tea and more tea. I am learning to drink plain fizzy water from my soda stream thingy.
by Rice
I am not a fan of cordial these days but I enjoyed it as a treat when I was a child. My favourite was raspberry. I did buy a bottle of diet raspberry a couple of summers back thinking it would be a change from plain water. However, I have only had one or two drinks of it and didn't like it much!
Yes, as a child, so did i - amazing that all children seem to like sweet things?
by Finy
I don't like the taste of the diet cordials but do occasionally have cordial when I'm at my daughter's home minding her boys as there is always made up cordials in her fridge.
NEVER. Our family was strictly water, fresh juices or coffee, coffee and more coffee. Needless to say I've stuck with the water (but in truth prefer light sparkling mineral water) don't really drink juices and don't drink coffee. But I do drink lots of tea. It must be a cultural thing as having European parents, I certainly don't recall any of our family friends and relatives having cordial either.
I haven't drank cordial for years
by AJ
I am trying very hard not too, maybe once or twice a week.
I have noticed over the last few years the supermarket's do not carry, half as much as they use too!
In winter one fav drink of mine is 'apple cordial', with warm water....as I do not drink normal tea or coffee, since the 1960's.
Once in a blue moon I might drink cordial, usually lemon or another flavour that's not too sweet. Mostly I drink water or tea.
We hadn't had cordial in the house since our daughters had their birthday parties every year, while in primary school, which was about 30 + years ago.
by Miro
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