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Do you ever drink champagne and do you have a favourite one?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you drink champagne, and do you have a favourite, or do you like/drink any brand?

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I used to have about 2 - 3 glasses a year!
However since not going to Melbourne Cup lunches, and since coming back to the City, I do not even have that.

I did have a favourite however cannot even remember which one it was -it was slightly more expensive is all I can remember, than the cheap ones.
by Finy
Many years ago, I did have the odd one or two.
No idea 'why'? people make such a fuss....it was nothing too special to me.

I have had the best and the rest.....and not all that fussed, with the stuff.

Not allowed to drink these days with my meds, so I haven't for many years....
I am offered champagne only on special occasions. I don't like alcohol so I will pass.
by Gia
Champagne,and in fact any sparkling wines at all,do absolutely nothing for my taste-buds at all!!
I simply do not like the taste of these wines at all for some reason.It makes no difference with the price or quality.I just do not enjoy or like them.
Yes. I love Moscato, but I need to find a good brand.
by Vee
I don't drink alcohol so I don't drink champagne. When I did drink the only champagne that I tasted that I liked was Moët.
by AJ
Like drink most brands
I drink it often. Don't really have a favourite brand as long as it isn't too dry for my liking but won't drink the cheaper brands. You get what you pay for.
I love a good pink 1, but I’d only take 1 bottle out for my birthday dinner, or have a bottle of of the good stuff at Christmas, but I don’t have a favourite brand.
We also drink it, every NY'sE, while watching the fireworks on the telly!
by Miro
We took at bottle of MOET & another highly priced 1, on our cruise 1 month ago because we had a balcony, so at night, after dinner, we'd sit out there & watch the stars, (when the weather was warm & wasn't raining or during a storm!)
by Miro
I forgot to ad, it's usually just an Aldi brand!
by Miro
'Yellow'. Now & again.
I will drink champagne to celebrate a special occasion. I don't have a favourite.
I love a glass of sweet bubbly every now and then! But I don't drink it all the time. Only for special occassions! My absolute favourite is Riccadonna! Nice sweet flavour, easy to drink and very good price!
Do I ever??? My favourite probably is from Petersens Champagne House in the Hunter Valley. I do have some imported ones I like but depends on the mood and what I'm eating, or just feeling like drinking
Nothing compares to a real good french champagne - it is a treat to drink - the cheap stuff is rubbish and not worth putting to your lips _ I don't drink it often so can indulge in a good brand
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