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Do you ever drink alcohol, or are you a teetotaler?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you drink alcohol at all, or are you a teetotaler?

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I am now a teetotaler!
I used to drink and never enjoyed it but felt I had to drink a bit when all my peers were.

It puts me to sleep from just half a glass of wine.

As I aged (yes, like a red wine!) I realised this was stupid as I just do not enjoy the taste, so I no longer drink alcohol.

I have been a teetotaler now for about 4 years.
by Finy
I wasn't big on alcohol until I got married. LOL. I enjoy bubbly champagne and milky cocktails.
by Vee
I have not had alcohol for many years now,due to the medication which I am unfortunately now needing to take. I was never a big drinker of alcohol,,but now I don't touch it at all.
I only drink alcohol on special occasions -
Christmas, New Years Eve and on holidays. It makes me tired now when I drink more than one glass, so I don't bother much with it.
I gave up drinking 7 years ago because I got bored with it. I still get strange looks from people when I say I don't drink - I have never asked the question but I am always tempted to turn the question around on people and ask them why they do drink - I won't do it because I know it would make them feel uncomfortable I just wish people wouldn't think that it is so strange to not drink
by AJ
Yes I enjoy my one glass of wine at night....each to their own though and respect others choices to do as they wish.....
by Fran
I drink. Nowhere near as much as I used to as I've been breastfeeding and / or pregnant for the last 3 and a half years. But I still enjoy a glass of wine or bundy now and then. I've gotten drunk 4 times since my oldest daughter was born.
Yes, love a glass (singular!) of good quality Aussie Red Wine, with Dinner.

Enjoy, at various times, a Pimms with Ginger Ale & Lemonade; a Bacardi (8yo) Brown with Coca Cola; Advocaat & Ginger Ale; Brandy Alexander. Had a 'thing' for 'Brown Cow' (Kahlua & Milk) whilst touring Tasmania. Lol!
I would LOVE a glass of wine!

But 'party pooper doctor' says No!

So no alcohol passes these lips now.
I love a G&T while I’m cooking the dinner or with my dinner, & I love a Champagne or sparkling wine with a family dinner, Christmas lunch or Christmas dinner, & for the midnight NewYear’s Eve fireworks, at home!
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