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Do you ever double check things that you think you have not done e.g. locked the door?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever go back because you think you have forgotten something?

Is it often the same thing you have to double check?

#Double check
#Forgotten something
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I do this all the time with locking my car.

I will leave the car, go away and after a few minutes I cannot remember if I have locked the car.

So I go back, but I have always locked it!

I occasionally do it with my automatic garage door as well, but not sure what it is about locking the car -perhaps it is such an automatic thing I do, that I do not even know I am doing it!
by Finy
Yes I do, particularly when I know that I am rushing and haven't been paying full attention to what I am locking.
I have never been one to double check things like locking doors and turning of lights etc! I must be the most boring soul in the universe to not have such a quirk of nature! I just guess that I was raised to do thongs only once! I hate it when someone asks or tells me something over and over,as it makes me feel as though they do not trust that I have listened to them properly the first time!
Yes I do but getting 'dejevu' about this question...sure I have answered before but not showing...oh well no matter..

I do check things and sometimes go back and check again before going out and even sometimes when gone a little way in the car...I wonder...and go back again just to make sure!
by Fran
Not with everything, but if I have a lot on my mind, I can forget that I have already locked a door.So I find I do repeat some things.
It did get me a tad upset, but it is better to make sure.
Yes - locking doors and making sure I have switched things off like the hob on the cooker
by AJ
OMG, I sure do! The most common one for me is the car too, Finy. And the garage door, and the iron (on the very rare occasion that I do any ironing).
All the bloody time.
by Vee
by Finy
Me too Finy. Yezrs ago our home had a very elaborate alarm system and you had to set it and then you had about 2 minutes to get out the door before you activated it. When you arrived home, the first one in had to deactivate the alarm.
Well I would set the alarm, leave the house, and then think to myself "did I actually press the set button". It became such a chore, that I insisted that we just deactivate and ignore the (very expensive) alarm system. Hopeless.
I do that sort of trick with many appliances around the house.
by fran.
Yes as everyone else has indicated: locking the door, checking the stove oven, garage doors, car door, lights on/off, open/close fridge door, so on..
I'll often be at the end of the driveway (walking) or halfway down the street when I just can't remember if I turned the computer off or not. Sometimes i don't bother returning to check, but upon returning home have found it was off, or it was on and in sleep mode so I thought it was off.
Yes, checking doors locked!
Also have to go back to car to ensure headlights switched off! Have very old car, so no automatic 'lights off' for me!
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