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Do you ever dip fruit in chocolate or anything else before eating?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever dip any kind of fruit in anything sweet e.g. chocolate?

#Fruit dipped
#Fruit with sweet dip
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I have this very yummy caramel spread made in France -it is thick and not like the local ones which are runny and sickly sweet.
I often dip pieces of apple in this, and I have also dipped strawberries and banana in dark chocolate.

I think most fruits taste fabulous dipped in Lindt 70% cacoa chocolate -oh, and I have put grapes in chocolate and let the chocolate set...yummmo
by Finy
I had strawberries dipped in chocolate. But I prefer to have the strawberries and chocolate separate
Often!!! I love pineapple as well as strawberries, banana,raspberries,Orange slices all dipped in chocolate,and if I have no chocolate,then I dip in Nutella!!!
no I do not like fruit dipped in chocolate or anything else
I have had fruit dipped in chocolate when out in trestaurants but never at home
by AJ
I have never tried this. I certainly know about it but was not sure if it is good enough to order at a restaurant.
by BK
Have had strawberries this way but not at home, nothing else
by fran
Not usually, but cherries and strawberries are really nice that way. I'm thinking mulberries would be good too.
I have done this with strawberries, but not for a while. I suddenly feel a craving coming on.
by Vee
Ha ha! Ha ha!
We'll make a batch together, Vee!

by donjo
Sounds fantastic, donjo! My mouth is watering! LOL.
by Vee
Not as yet, but I'll certainly try this one day. Surely.
Not really my cup of tea. It looks lovely though and wuld probaly be a good dish for a special occaision.
I love strawberries dipped in chocolate and occasionally have them this way at home.
I love dipping strawberries (and also marshmallows) in melted chocolate. My teen son loves melting milk chocolate and dipping fruit in it. For the last 2 Christmases, I have given him the gift of a mug, a large milk chocolate (usually Cadbury's), a banana, a packet of marshmallows, and a punnet of strawberries. During the holidays, he enjoys melting the chocolate and dipping all of the above in chocolate. Fortunately, he loves to share with the gift-giver
by Faye
I prefer to eat the fruit as is, have tried fruit dipped in chocolate and do not like it.
I prefer fruit as is , have had strawberries dipped in chocolate and did not like them
Have not made at home.

To me, they're more of a 'being somewhere else' type of delicious indulgence!
With Sponge Cake & a hot cuppa!
Ahh yes. Brings back memories of my time as a girl guide leader. We used to make our own flame then put cubes or wedges of strawberry, rockmelon, honeydew, pineapple, banana, etc., dip in brown sugar then caramelise over the flame, then dip in whipped cream when slightly cool and eat
No, I prefer my fruit naked. The fruit, not me.
by Rice
No, I wouldn't' eat fruit dipped into chocolate, unless it was dark chocolate. Many, many years ago, I use to dip green apple slices & banana chunks, into brown sugar.
by Miro
I have had chocolate dipped strawbs and dried apricots.
I tend to add ice magic to ice cream, I love it.
No, I like fruits plain.
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