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Do you ever buy Lotto or Lottery tickets, and how often?

by Finy (follow)
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Do you ever buy Lotto or Lottery tickets?

How often and have you ever won a prize?

#Oz Lotto
#Lotto Tickets
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I used to always buy them, even online once or twice a week.

I think in about 4 years, I won once and got $15, so eventually I gave up.

I still watch the results often and I always had the same numbers I put in as well as slic Pics -wouldnt I just die if one day my numbers came up!
by Finy
When I worked I would share a syndicate with other workers.I cannot recall the last time I bought a ticket!! I prefer to put my spare cash into gorgeous antique and old children's books of which I have a wonderful collection.These are not for show,I actually enjoy reading them!! I often feel like I have won the lottery with some of the treasures I manage to find!! And they are a SURE thing when I spend my cash!!
Will buy a low-priced 'quick pick' in prize of $10 Million or more only.
I believe in the old 'gotta be in it to win it'!
Totally :-)
by Rice
I made a promise to myself when the Lottery was first introduced in Britain, that if I ever found some money, I would use it to buy a Lottery ticket... I wasn't going to waste my own hard-earned cash on it, given the dismal odds of winning but found money seemed like the universe telling me my luck was in.... well it took nearly 20 years but a couple of months ago I found a €2 coin on a pavement near my house, I bought a ticket and waited with bated breath.... only for NONE of my numbers to be drawn! So much for the universe and luck lol
Oh Verity -I was waiting for the end of your story -thought the ending would be so different -it built up and I thought -OMG she has won 1 m.......sorry!
by Finy
I know, I didn't get so much as one cent! Soooo disappointed ;)
Every week I say to the Lotto person..."one 12 game slick pick, no super for Saturday please"...over and over and over....am the eternal optimist!
by Fran
I don't, but my dad used. He used to get four Lotto tickets a week, but when the price went up, he reduced it to two. He recently won over a hundred pounds, but before that, he hadn't won a thing in about six years.
I don't ever buy them,35 years ago my husband bought a ticket won $20,000.
But! it was with other people from work.
I think we got $2,000, from it.
Oh! jonaj, $2000's 'better than a slap in the face with a dead mullet', though! Lol!
by donjo
absolutely lol :)
by jonaja
Used to put the Lotto in every week but never won a darn thing so stopped. Do try my luck with the occasional crossword scratchy but don't have a great strike rate with them either.
I do sometimes - probably 2 - 4 times a year
by AJ
No and no. Unfortauntely.
by Vee
Lotto, when Prize $10mill or beyond!
Never again, a few times in the past but I have learnt.
I have for the last few years bought tickets in houses and cars, because the odds of winning something is mega times better.
I would rather have a 1 in 6000 chance of a new house, than a 1 in 100000000 chance in a dividend or even the big one.

Costs the same, and I can justify it easier to myself, I don't have the share the prize and they support charities.

PS, I have won maybe once a month a small dividend for a while, it was about break even on the lotto for a year, but then even that stopped.
Mind you, at 945 mil, I would have go at the Yank lottery for sure, just to put the ticket in my album.
We keep a weeny four games on the go all the time. Just in case. Only for Saturdays though. We do take a ticket in the big jackpots as well. I agree with donjo . . . >
by Rice
No, I never buy them, but my husband does, about 1 ev very month or so. No, no prizes. A primary school friend won $10,000 many years ago, & she bought a lounge with it, & her husband bout 3 cars, but not all at once. then he bought a fishing trawler, in Q'ld somewhere, which sent him bust. They had to sell up & they moved back to NSW, to the south coast.
by Miro
I forgot to add, about 15 years ago, a friends father took his ticket to the news-agency to claim the $5 he thought he'd won, but was told a cheque would be sent out to him. It actually wasn't for $5 but for $25,000!
by Miro
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