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Do you enjoy table tennis?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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table tennis, ping pong

How often do you play? Where do you usually play?

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I love it. We have a table at home and I play with my family. It's fantastic for hand/eye coordination and reflexes.
Yes. We have a mini set up that I put on an outdoor table and play every now and then. It's a fun sport, good exercise, and even my kids are surprisingly good at it (on account of their being only 5 and 7), so it's good fun!
Been a long time since I played table tennis. Not sure where I could play this! Not many table tennis centers around anymore! ;)

Like I really really do, lot of fun...great way to exercise, and indoors.

Wish I have a table, I would even play by myself.
I like table tennis, but I am absolutely rubbish at it, and hardly ever play.
As a child I enjoyed playing TT but don't play anymore.
I love it, but don't get to play it often enough. Surprisingly I usually do ok.
I absolutely love it. Not had a chance to play since a long while though.
Have been a player during school and have even represented my school team in championships.
Love Table Tennis...don't get to play much at all. We don't have a table tennis table anymore.
A little bit too much.
by Vee
Love it! No good at it though....
My father was on a professional table tennis team, so it's in the genes! Table tennis is addictive - such a great game and you have to keep moving constantly. Anyone can play, and it's really good for sharpening your reaction times.
Yes.. I love the game, the various styles we can play in. I have been playing Table Tennis on & off since my schooling years and feel its a good exercise for mind and motor skills. However, just while typing this line flexed my wrists and found that they're a little stiff, so playing TT again with my old proficiency is going to take some time.
Yes , all the time , it's great fun way to spend quality time with the kids

Haven't played it for many decades. But I used to love it! Was quite good at it, too!
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