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Do you enjoy small talk, and how often do you do this?

by Finy (follow)
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small talk
Photo: Photostock -www.freedigitalphotos.net

Often, when meeting new people, there seems to be a lot of small talk going on.

Are you often in this situation, or another where there is small talk?

How do you handle it, and do you enjoy it, or just tolerate it?

#Small talk
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I can not stand small talk!

It can be done....but gee I hate it.

It go's on and on and on and on!!
There's a big high five again, kiddo!
by Rice
by jonaja
I find it a bit boring and tedious, if it goes on too long. However, I think that it's important to be socially functional enough to be able to converse with all sorts of people, in all kinds of situations....and sometimes this involves engaging in small talk. If I'm in a shop or at a bus stop (for example) and someone wants to have a chat, I'll always respond in a friendly way....unless the person was totally weird or creepy. I think it's rude not to...even if it means we're getting caught up in conversation that's boring and trivial. There are so many lonely people in the world, and for some of them, chatting away inanely might be the only social contact they ever have. If it gets too much, or goes on too long, though, I'll eventually politely excuse myself and leave.
I don't like it, but I have to do it from time to time. Sometimes the situation imposes it.
I like small talk among family, but not around new people or people I don't see often. I generally don't want to talk to them anyway.
I'm not that into small talk. To be honest, I generally skip it and just talk about what I want to talk about.
I get so bored with small talk!
I know it is necessary in certain situations, however I am at the stage where I now avoid these situations where possible.

I cannot be bothered with small talk.
by Finy
So, I had a similar question today and I did a quick search in search box just to see if a similar questions has been asked earlier. And that's how I got here.

I don't like small talk anymore. I used to be good with it earlier, but I get bored now. I see people next to me doing it and I think ' Wow, they have lot of things to talk about.'
by BK
Small talk annoys me to the nth degree!

If I've no other choice, I can 'just about' put up with it, but it's REALLY difficult to do so!

That's why I prefer meeting up with friends. You 'launch' straight into a decent conversation!
I hate it. I can feel myself "glazing over" and I always hope it doesn't look too obvious. Just last evening I chose to sit in a corner by myself rather than mingle with the crowd whilst at a "do" . . . I had a cup of tea, I was happy. LOL

by Rice
by jonaja
As soon as I saw it I knew it was THE ONE. Haha.
by Rice
Rice, how do you find the pics' in the 1st place?
by Miro
Thanks Rice! I won't be looking for photos anytime soon! My husband, (who's a very patient person,) doesn't like me 'wasting time' answering these questions!
I'm supposed to be getting rid of the boxes of papers in my bedroom! These are articles I'm hoping to stick into scrapbooks 1 day, as well as coloured papers & items I may be able to use to make my collage cards with. Yes, they do look a mess!!! I asked for AA's to be be sent weekly which I thought meant once a week, but I know have 153 unread ones, sitting in a folder as they come in each day! Ops!
by Miro
Thank you, Rice.
by Miro
At home, with my husband, while he's trying to watch tv! Or when my friend & I go for our morning walk, 3k's around where we live, we always think of some useless chat-chat to talk about!
by Miro
Hi miro_ . . . I just go to Google Images and type in something relevant . . in this case I think I put "boring conversation" . . then I save them to the destop and upload them with my answer . . then I delete them or I would be overrun. Hahaha :-))
by Rice
Oh miro_ I do sympathise . . . . once things get out of boxes and out of control, it's like trying to put a genie back in a bottle. Moving house at the moment is making me want to go back to bed and pull the covers over my head. Tell your husband we like you here on AA, so he has to share :-)))
by Rice
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