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Do you enjoy rainy days?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
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Photo by tiverylucky, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

During rainy days do you like to sit at home or do you like to go out and enjoy the rain?

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Warm rain in a hot country is lovely. When I living in Singapore it could get really muggy during the day and rain was a welcome relief. However, in the UK it's generally a bit miserable when it rains but it doesn't stop me from going out.
Rains, once in a while are nice. It gets boring when it rains continuously for days..!!

Loved the rain when I was a kid. What a lot you could do then. All those muddy puddles to stomp on, open air showers! Hate when it rains too much now - clothes cannot be dried outside, painstakingly straightened hair gets ruined, mud gets into the house, running in the rain is out of the question with super high heels! But I still love the rain for my kids and the plants:)
Yes, they can be a nice change - if I've got my umbrella!
I have always enjoyed the rain, as a child it provided some of the most precious moments shared with my mother. I was fortunate enough that she was open to my suggestion of walking in the rain, no umbrellas, bare headed we would stride out into the rain. It is something that I enjoy to this day, I shared it with my daughter, and now I do the same with my dog. When was the last time you jumped into a puddle?? Treat yourself, there is nothing like it,
I like to sit out on the patio or in the living room with the windows open.
by Vee
I hate rainy days, I'm much happier when it's dry and sunny.
Not quite. It gets quite annoying to see the rains go on and on.

No I really don't.
Had way tooooo many when I was in England!
Wet weather is great. Catch up on those home tasks and write more...
Love rainy days .... PEACEFUL xo
Yes! Here in Perth, Western Australia, it doesn't rain nearly enough so it's quite a novelty when it finally does. The last couple of days we've had some light showers and it's been wonderful!
Yes! Here in Perth, Western Australia, it doesn't rain nearly enough so it's quite a novelty when it finally does. The last couple of days we've had some light showers and it's been wonderful!
I do like the cosiness that te rainy day concept promotes.
Enjoy reading or just a chat with the family.
Getting caught in rain during a warm day is heaps of fun too.
I had the best time walking in the rain in Bali , my partner enjoyed it too.

by Zen
Yes, love rainy days.
Oh yes! I enjoy the rain, either being out in it or staying in. I also like after the rain, where everything smells so fresh and the trees look so green.
Yes I do love rainy days when I'm inside and watching a movie and the rain is pouring down.Not to mention it's good for the rainwater tank, and the garden!
I enjoy sitting watching the rain. Also enjoy laying in bed listening to it. My grandmother had a lage cat, Tom, who loved the rain. He would run across the tin roof sounding like a lunatic let loose. We used to laugh at his antics, then he'd come inside when he was ready, sit up on the sink and wait for the tap to be turned on so he could drink from it. Obviously he didn't drink whilst cavorting over the roof.
I remember one time camping in the NE Nat'l Park, & it rained, in the afternoon.

But after, the Sun came out, & filtered through the various tree varieties', which not only looked beautiful, but the smell was just so refreshing!

I don't mind rain at anytime, but when it rained continuously for over two weeks, resulting in a flood of huge proportions', then I was pretty angry, & annoyed! I like sunlight!

House wasn't in danger, as live in a 'high-up' suburb, the only one in the whole City unaffected.

The creek at the bottom of my Estate rose 120', across football fields', & flooded first row of houses.

It is lovely to stay at home and relax. Perhaps have a coffee and read a good book or even catch up on some chores around the house. jenni.......⛈💧☂⛈☔️⛈
Yes, I find them relaxing and since I work from home, I get lots accomplished.
Yes :)
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