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Do you enjoy plane travel and do you prefer a particular type of plane?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Do you enjoy travelling in a plane?

Do you have a favourite type of plane?

Or a dislike of any?

#Air travel
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I used to like air travel even though I was always a bit nervous about it.

However now I just cannot be bothered with all the hype and lining up and checking in etc and am unable to carry my cases anyway.

My favourite plane was business class on a jumbo -it was so nice, and the food was so terrific and I could eat whenever I felt like it with a proper plate, and knives and forks and serviette. No cheap stuff there!
by Finy
I love travelling by plane! I prefer the sort of plane that stays in the air.
excellent reply!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Fran
excellent reply!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Fran
Well...I was a Flight Attendant in another life!
I loved it then, since leaving.. over the years I have travelled many times on planes, not so keen now.
My brother (god rest his soul) owned a tiger moth with someone else and that was the pinnacle of my flying...we did aerobatics and I swear when we turned upside down, he tried to shake me out! (we had had many differences) only joking...
by Fran
NOT fun -werent you terrified?
by Finy
Have to admit I was but it all happened so quickly the bugger hadn't told me before he turned upside down...I had my eyes closed and something else was almost happening....oh dear!
by Fran
by Finy
I have enjoyed every flight I have been on,though there have not been all that many! I have to say that I like small aircraft as they seem more exciting to me,with every air current able to be felt!!
I don't really love it.
Not much room to move.

I like the kind of plane that stay's up, until you get to where your going.
Would I travel now, ....not without a tad of kicking and screaming?
No joke.
Im the same jonaj -and to think i used to live from one trip to another -almost not the same person! I've seen a lot of the world and seem to have lost interest.
by Finy
exactly lol.lol
by jonaja
For some reason the more I fly the more nervous I become of flying. Growing up I never had any trouble getting on a plane. It's strange that I am now a lot more nervous of flying
by AJ
AJ -"the times they are a changing"!
by Finy
I'm not a huge fan of flying. I would rather go on a road trip where I can pull over and stretch my legs and get some fresh air whenever I please. One of the reasons I'm not so keep to go overseas is that I would have to go on a plane.
I really like flying - in big planes. Strange, because I'm afraid of heights.
No. I don't know enough about planes to care.

L O V E flying! It doesn't worry me at all! Never has. It's still an adventure to me!

Plane favourite....would be Boeing 767 (as in '60 Minutes' show). Boeing 707-338c, Boeing 747-400, in that order.

Plane hated....Douglas DC-9; there was just 'something' about this type I could never take to. Always chose flights not operated by it.
Am not fond of ANY Airbus aircraft. Haven't been on A380 yet. Will just have to wait, & see!
Yes! Even though i’m prettified of nights, I don’t mine flying, as long as it;’s not in a really small place. Once we fly over the Grand Canyon, & I cried to my self all the way there & back, trying to take photos out the window at the ams time. I've now travelled on 100-150 flights, but some of those have only been in Australia, & only for holidays, not work related flights.
Oh! miro_
When I flew over Grand Canyon, was in co-pilot's seat!
It was fantastic, especially coming into land at Grand Canyon Airport!
by donjo
I sent my husband up in the Red Baron a long time ago, from Bankstown airport,for his 40th or 50th birthday, & he really enjoyed that.
by Rice
by Rice
SORRY!!!! Ah well, he is a cutie.
by Rice
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