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Do you enjoy photography?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Hobbies (76)      Photography (22)      Camera (10)      Passion (4)     
Photo by Feelart, http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/

Do you have passion for photography? What kind of photographs do you prefer to capture? Do you use your camera or your mobile phones?

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I love photography however much prefer my little Canon as against the i-phone.
Phones have come a long way but they just don't have the choices that a digital camera has, and therefore photos are not as good.
by Finy
I love looking at the photos of myself..!!
I love photography....although I am not that good at it. I use camera or mobile phone. Depends what I decide to take with me on the day.
I used to take my camera everywhere until I got an i-phone. Now I take that except it does not take the type of photos I like which is more the moving shots.
One day! I have promised myself a very very good camera.
for the last 30 years, I have so many ideas in my head.One day.

Love the Art of Photography.
Yes. I love photography. The Macro setting on my camera is my favourite setting. I love seeing things from a different perspective.
by Vee
Yes, photography is fun. I prefer stills with my mobile phone because the results are better. I do take pictures of my kids, but it's difficult to get them to stay still long enough to get good shots. I must update my digital camera to take better action shots of the kids, but for now I'm pretty happy with my landscapes and food pics!
I do like taking photos.
However I do not have a specialised camera.
I love looking at the photos of myself..!!
Love photography.Somehow I am one of those photographers who click small droplets of water on the plant and have friends make fun of.

Its interesting but I haven't taken it to the next step.Thanks to my husband who wouldn't let me invest in a good camera.Your question is God sent ;) I am going to start the conversation today at home...
I don't know that I'm too great at it, but I very much enjoy it. I mostly use my phone at the moment (love those candid shots), but have dreams of getting myself an expensive proper camera one day and learning how to use it.
I love photography. Mostly I like to photograph nature and food.
I love it ... I snap photos of everything!
Yes I love it. I take way too many photos on my iPhone - of food, friends, architecture, and of candid moments. When I'm out on a gathering or on holiday though, I bring along my camera at all times. Then, I would snap photos of landscapes, buildings and little interesting cultural elements and details.
I love love love taking photos. I take a few pics of people because it is great to see how people looked in the past and as a record of certain events. However, the majority of my photos are of nature. Some are of buildings, towns etc. More recently I have started snapping anything I think could be useful as an image for Hub Garden articles. My camera, just a basic one, goes everywhere with me. Now and then i take a few photos with my mobile.
I enjoy photography. As an artist it is another tool in my arsenal. I enjoy capturing light and the way shadows fall. When it is that magic time of day when the light is best- early morning, late afternoon, after a storm) I grab my camera or phone and take pictures of everything.
My husband and I used to work as wedding photographers before digital photography. It was very enjoyable, mostly.

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