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Do you enjoy mini golf?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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mini golf, putt putt golf

How often do you play and what is the best mini golf course that you have played at?

#Family Fun
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It's the only golf that I can manage and I do enjoy it. Two excellent puttputt courses that I've been to are:

1. Opal Cove Resort's Putt Putt Golf at Coffs Harbour
2. King Tutt's Putt Putt Golf on the Gold Coast.
I tried it for the first time in Victor Harbour last year and absolutely enjoyed it! We were there for four days, and I went to play mini-golf on all days - so much fun and a great, sociable activity!
I love mini golf, but I hardly ever play. The best course I've been to is a pirate themed one at Little Hampton seas side.
Mini golf or Putt Putt, very enjoyable. There is a great place in Ermington (Sydney).
I have played it in two different countries, Australia and America.I prefer America by far.
They took a lot of time into planning to course.
Yes, it's a lot of fun and something that adults and kids can enjoy. There's a great little course at Dural that I like. Their cafe does great chocolate milkshakes too.
Yes, but I have only played once. I know, I should get out more.
by Vee
Aquagolf. I've played that too actually. That was quite fun.
by Vee
I have only played mini golf once. I didn't expect to enjoy it but joined in so as not to be a party pooper. However I was surprised to find it was fun. The experience has encouraged me to give other things a go even if they don't seem to be 'my thing'.
Played it twice as a kid. That was enough. Found it way too boring!
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