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Do you enjoy looking at the stars?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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Photo from European Space Agency (ESA/Hubble).

Do you like star gazing? Can you recognise any constellations?

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It's beautiful and amazing to look up into the night sky and the gorgeous stars. A free nightly sparkly light show every evening to remind us that there is so much more out there than just us and our problems. A great thing to do with your kids and watch their little faces light up!
I love looking at the stars. I can recognise the southern cross and enjoy pointing it out to the kids. There is something totally relaxing about lifting your head on a starry night and looking up into space as those beautiful stars and realising they're all suns as powerful as ours is which leads to the possibility of other solar systems out there, millions of them, and that puts whatever is going on in my day into perspective.

I often set up a little open-tent outside in my backyard and star gaze with my housemates for hours, while having dinner/cheese platter nights :)
L O V E looking at them.

I try to work out which are which, and as well I'm looking for u.f.o.'s
which I believe are out there with the stars.
I love looking at the stars.
I love looking at the stars.
Yes. My daughter loves it too and can't wait to finish dinner so we can go out and look at them together.
I love looking at the stars and flocks of birds flying overhead. Haven't been able to stargaze for a while though because we have what I think is a colony of bats that come around when the sun goes down.
by Vee
Yes...especially when I go camping, and there are no (or very few) man-made lights around. I don't particularly look out for any constellations, though. I just love the magic of sitting under such a powerful and beautiful force.
The stars are fascinating. Don't recognise any constellations but have seen things moving up there. Trick is to stare at the milky way, don't move your eyes, and you will see movement, then track it. It's amazing how the stars and planets stay up there.
Love looking at the stars & just cogitating. If only they could speak & tell us their lives, what wondrous things we would learn.

Enjoy studying Astronomy....it's absolutely fascinating & we'll never know all there is to know!
Listening to Prof Brian Cox on the subject, is beyond illuminating, pardon the pun!
'Our' Southern Cross is always a stand-out, & easily seen.
Australia is fortunate in not having greatly polluted skies, so observations easier. That's why Siding Spring Observatory is outside of Coonabarabran, nice clear skies!
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