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Do you enjoy historic museums when travelling?

by grann (follow)
Travel (244)      History (31)      Museums (3)     

Museum artefacts

If I drag him through too many historic museums while travelling, my husband starts yawning. It's the same with shopping for him - minimal excursions in small doses only. On the other hand, I could spend days on end in historic museums because I find the history of my travel destinations absolutely fascinating. Do you?

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I enjoy visiting museums wherever I am, as they reflect life, as it used to be, in that particular part of the world. Like the ones in rural Queensland that Tracie mentioned, some of the ones I've visited in outback Western Australia are pretty simple, but I guess that just reflects the harshness of life in the bush during the old days. Personally, I enjoy visiting those too, as the locals are so proud of their pioneering history and are so appreciative when visitors come along.
I love looking at historical museums, although admittedly I don't do it very often. I think making it an occasional thing is what keeps it interesting though.
Depends really. Some are well done and interesting and some are just junk yards. I have seen some real shockers but maybe that is just rural Queensland ;)

Not really. They generally don't particularly interest me.
I like historic museums, and art museums, and pretty much every other kind of muesum there is. I don't visit them very often though.
by Vee
Not necessarily. I like visiting exhibitions that are sponsored by Museums more than the permanent exhibits.
It would also depend on whether the exhibitions are "free" or not, what is my time availability, and how many other more exciting things I have planned for the visit.
No, I have seen so many museums that I no longer want to see any....I also now have a problem walking around after a bad accident, so am possibly not able to do it anyway!

I have stopped going on holidays partly because of this, and NO, there is no way I could ever have spent a whole day in a museum, and do not find this interesting for very long.
by Finy
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