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Do you enjoy hiking?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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Image courtesy of papaija2008 / freedigitalphotos.net

Is hiking an activity you like doing, or does it seem like a horrible passtime to you?

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I don't do it regularly due to where I live and the fact I'd need to drive some way to a decent hike trail. However, it's something I do when on holiday when beautiful hikes are more accessible. I think it's a great form of exercise with great vantage points and vistas to reward your efforts.
Love bushwalking! Did much of it as a teenager/young adult, but not so much now, unfortunately.
Will do short walks now. Gone are the days I could do 25 Klms in a day! That was my record set at Barrington Tops!
I do - if the event calls for it. However it is not something I would do regularly.
I love hiking. There are so many great things to see. It is sometimes good to take a break and get some fresh air.
I love hiking
It's a dangerous one!
People loose their bearings all the time, and if they don't die out there...they go missing, or end up quite badly hurt.
Why?...because they just keep going further into the bush.
There's a place in America, where a great deal of people have gone to one particular National Park....and non-of them have ever been found.
Jonaj. It's only dangerous if people are stupid & don't obey the RULES!
And what's the name of this 'bad' NP in America?
by donjo
My partner and I regularly explore nature wherever we may be living - from London to Melbourne to the countryside, there are always quiet places to discover. I always pack a healthy lunch and we make a day of it
Before I got married I went hiking with my now wife and some other kids. It was great fun. I have not gone back since.
I love getting out and about in the fresh air. Particularly love hiking near the water.

Definitely,although I don't do as much as I used to.
Used to quite enjoy it but not any more.
by Finy
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