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Do you enjoy getting a compliment?

by Finy (follow)
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Embarrassed (5)      Compliments (1)      Receive a compliment (1)     

Photo: Stuart Miles -www.freedigitalphotos.com

Do you enjoy receiving a compliment or are your embarrassed by it?

What are some of the compliments you get, and do you always believe people when they compliment you?

#Receive a compliment
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I actually DO.

There was a time in my life when I would have felt embarrassed, however age has taught me confidence -one good thing about getting old!

Also nowadays I do not get as many as I used to and I feel now they are mostly genuine as no one has a reason to compliment me any more without meaning it.
by Finy
Yes of course...doesn't everyone...I think you can tell if they are genuine or not
by Fran
I do enjoy it but it can be really awkward and embarrassing!
I move in circles of work and ministry.
I do get some compliments, that the work I do is of great benefit, and helps those who suffer.
I also get a tad embarrassed.They mean to encourage me, because my work is very hard at times...I also do a lot of crying,(with workmates) due to the sadness I see, so people come along and hug me a great deal too.
Hi Jonaj........aww! That photo is just too cute!
by donjo
by jonaja
Yes, I quite enjoy getting a compliment.
I enjoy it but at the same time it can embarrass me - I know it shouldn't though
by AJ
Who doesn't?! I love giving them too!
by Vee
I love it. It is such a buzz.
Yes, doesn't everyone? I agree with the Mark Twain quote above.
I do tend to get a tad embarrassed if it's OTT, though!
Of course - why would you not? I don't understand why anyone would feel embarrassed. Maybe they should GIVE more, then they might feel more comfortable.
I do believe them now but it's taken a lot to learn to accept them after growing up in a very critical household and with an undiagnosed learning disability.

My most recent couple of compliments have come from staff at a shop where I'm having crochet lessons, learning from the beginning, and the orchestra conductor, after I was left on my own in the viola section at one rehearsal when we did a 'dress rehearsal' of an item before a concert.
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