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Do you enjoy cooking with the kids?

by lizzi (follow)
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Do you enjoy cooking or baking with small children/toddlers? Does the mess bother you? Does the lack of hygiene bother you? Are there "special" tasks that you have the kids do?

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No I never have, and it really is all about 'hygiene'.
I have had 2 very serious cases of food poisoning, and that I take seriously.
I would 'pretend' to make things, but as far as children cooking...my other fear far worst was that kitchens are not for young ones.

Have seen my grandson help his mum, but I don't like children under 10yrs
in a kitchen.(That is just me).
Amen to that.
by Rice
I have always cooked with my kids and think it is so important for children to be involved in the cooking process. The earlier they can be involved, the better!
Sometimes it's a chore, and requires extra patience, however, I believe the long term benefits of cooking with children are immeasurable - they appreciate where their food comes from, they develop a sense of responsibility, they develop a sense of achievement, pride and independence, etc, etc.
by Lucy
I don't have kids, but if I did, I would want to cook with them. I think what I did with them though would depend on how well behaved and responsible they are.
Yes. I try to let go of the mess and clean up afterwards. My daughter's old enough to know to wash her hands (she's better about it than many adults) and I don't let her lick her fingers or the spoon until after we're finished. It's a lot of fun and she learns a lot (some basic maths and skills to feed herself).
Miss almost 3 loves to "help" me in the kitchen. The other day we made cookies and I swear she licked the spoon 100 times before we managed to get all the cookies into the oven! That sort of thing drives me nuts!! But I like to use it as an opportunity to teach her things "we always need to wash our hands before working in the kitchen", colours (of fruits and vegies etc), counting "please pass me 5 tomatoes" and that sort of thing. Whenever I even look like I'm going to start cooking she runs and grabs her little chair and pulls it over "wait mummy, I need to help you!!!". It's fun, but frustrating if I'm in a hurry or don't really want help.
by Rice
Exactly :)
by jonaja
Hahahahahaha. You and me . . . we're SO succinct!!
by Rice
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