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Do you enjoy Christmas shopping?

by VerityG (follow)
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young woman girl Christmas shopping presents gifts shops
Photo via FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Do you relish the thought of wending your way through all the crowds to find the perfect presents for friends and family, or does your heart sink at the prospect?
Do you enjoy Christmas shopping?

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Not at all. I start my Christmas shopping a couple of months in advance to avoid the crowds. I will buy one or 2 gifts each payday. I've pretty much stocked up my pantry and freezer as well, so I'll only need to buy some fresh fruit and vegies closer to Christmas.
Run and hide.
That is how much I totally Hate it.
My heart does more than just sink at the prospect!

Too many people, and too much noise.
I don't really like shopping at the best of times - unless I'm really "in the mood". So Christmas shopping is not my thing at all.
No,not really. I don't participate in this activity much.
I don't enjoy it, no - especially if I've left it to the last minute. Eek!
by Vee
I used to really enjoy Christmas shopping but as I've got older I find it more and more annoying. I try to do as much as possible online and have it delivered directly to the recipient, then I don't even have to queue at the post office!
I am not sure that many people enjoy it. The crowds are up, the staff are newbies, the prices have lifted, the frustration levels have risen. But we all do it because of what it means to give the gift of giving.
No, & no!

When I did buy Xmas presents' etc., I would buy them each January Sale in readiness for the next Xmas.
Have never believed in running around, close to Xmas. Too tiring, expensive, & many rude people. I don't believe in stressing out, that's just plain silly!
I try to make it an enjoyable experience by taking my time, and doing it slowly over a few months. I also try to choose gifts for my close family and friends carefully, so they'll really love what they're given.
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