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Do you enjoy chilli? If so what do you put it in?

by Rich Nicolls (follow)
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Do your enjoy chilli? If so what do you put it in?

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I like chilli, if it's used in small quantities. If too much is added to food, it's inedible. I mostly use it in it in stir fries and chutneys.
I seem to ruin dishes by putting to much chilli in them. Need to learn more about chilli I think.
I HATE chilli and anything with too much spice. Nice and bland for me is best!
I like green chillies. I use it when I make vegetables.
Yes I enjoy chilli in moderate quantities.
Use chillies in curries,stir fry also in fried eggs, chops ,salsa and chutneys.
Sure adds flavour, be careful or be sorry.
by Zen
Yes I do. I like it in curries and salso, though I prefer things medium hot (though I suppose it's relative what that means).
I have chilli quite a lot. Now that I have children, I have to keep the food a bit bland, so I sprinkle crushed red pepper on top or eat a raw chilli on the side. I also like peri peri.
I have never been a great lover of it, because of the heat.
Having said that...I can eat sweet chilli sauce.For some reason, I love a little with rice and meat....and really enjoy it. :)
But, the real deal.....I stear away from sadly....way too strong.
I love your photo, jonaj! When we'd go travelling around NSW, we'd buy egg 'n bacon rolls for our lunches, & we'd always ask for sweet chilli sauce! We can still eat sweet chilli sauce, because it dosn't have that HOT kick to it!
by Miro
I love your photo, jonaj! When we'd go travelling around NSW, we'd buy egg 'n bacon rolls for our lunches, & we'd always ask for sweet chilli sauce! We can still eat sweet chilli sauce, because it doesn't have that HOT kick to it!
by Miro
So full of colour! love it.......... pity they are sometimes tooooo Hot!
by jonaja
Only in a special soup I make when I am very sick with the flu. It really clears out the sinuses.
I quite like the flavour of chilli, but I don't like when the heat overtakes everything else.
Yes, and I endeavour to put it in/on whatever food I can. I feel a craving coming on!
by Vee
Me too!
I used to grind chillies . zeste of oranges,honey & salt to taste and used to eat the paste with noodles or soups-
The hotter the better, tend to stick to curries, stir fries , and oh on radish cakes when I have YUM CHA
Having lived in Asia for 14 years I've come to understand and love chilli. with raw fruit along with salt and in all manner of hot noodle soups.
I LOVE chilli! I have four children who don't love it quite as much as me though. I use dried, crushed chilli on top of my own food, like you might use pepper. I find it has a much nicer flavour than the pepper and because it's red it looks lovely and colourful too. Chilli on scrambled eggs is surprisingly good :D Give it a try!
I don't like hot or spicy food at all but I know the health benefits of such foods so I actually put turmeric and capsicum in empty gel caps and take them daily. I don't mind sweet chilly sauce, but it has to be mild.
I love chillies, I love spicy foods. Curries and salsas, chillies dishes and stir-fries. I add a chilli of some sort to every one of them.
My partner has chilli in every meal!
I like it in marinara mix
No, don't like chilli.
Do use Tabasco Sauce though, but sparingly, in various dishes eg mince on toast, home-made hamburger rissoles etc etc etc..........
I am not a great chilli lover,I don't mind a hint at the very end, but not so much that I can't taste the food such as vindaloos.
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